Page 46 of Stay Real

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“I do. I’m a grown-ass woman, and I’m standing up for what I want, and I want to be naked in your bed with you, and I want you to hold me.”

“Two out of three isn’t bad,” he replies.

“I’m not drunk.”

“You are, Court.”

“Fine. I’ll drink water and eat some bread or crackers or something. We can watch a movie until I sober up.”

“Anything you want, gorgeous.”

“I want you naked.” I huff in irritation, making him laugh yet again. He’s pissing me off, so I close my eyes, letting my head rest on the seat, and drift off to sleep.

I wake with a start. My head is pounding, my mouth feels like cotton, and I have to pee. I toss off the covers and move Merrick’s arm that’s holding me tightly.

“You need help?” he asks groggily.

“No,” I croak. I stumble my way to the bathroom and close the door before turning on the light. I wince at the brightness and half blindly make my way to the toilet to relieve myself. I’m in another one of his T-shirts, but I don’t remember how I got in it. Once I handle my business, I wash my hands and spy that the toothbrush I used the last time I stayed is still in the holder next to his.

My heart stalls, then does a flip in my chest at the sight. That’s a piece of me, a piece he kept sitting in his bathroom. Grabbing the toothbrush, I quickly brush my teeth before using my hands to slurp down some of the ice-cold water.

With two of my three issues handled, I dig around in the medicine cabinet until I find a bottle of headache medicine and take two tablets, washing them down with another palm full of water. Turning off the light, I make my way back to bed.

“Better?” Merrick asks, holding the covers up so I can slide in next to him.

“Much. I don’t remember getting changed.”

“I helped you.”

“You should have just left me naked,” I grumble. The quiet shake of his body behind mine is my only indication that he heard me. I turn in his arms and place my hand against his cheek. “Why didn’t you?” I’m sober now. Well, sober-ish. Enough that I’m no longer slurring my words and still loose enough to be bold with my words.

“Because I didn’t want you to have regrets.”

“Would you regret it?”

“Never, Court. I will never regret any of my time with you,” he says, reverently.

I allow his words time to sink in before I make my choice. Sitting up, I wiggle until I have his T-shirt over my head and tossed to the floor. Lying back down, I fumble with my panties until they, too, are discarded.

“Your move, Kincaid.” My palms are sweating and I think my heart might explode from how hard it’s pounding inside my chest. Not because I’ve never been naked with a man before, but because I know this is going to change the path we’re on. We’ve been following along this fine line between faking and real, and this is going to blur that line beyond measure.

I’m okay with that.

I’ve thought about that first night I stayed here more times than I can count. I wanted this then, but I was too afraid to ask for it. With each passing day that Merrick is a part of my life, my confidence grows. He’s showing me that I am worth the time and attention of any man, but especially him since he gives me so much of both.

He’s still. So still, in fact, I’m not even sure he’s breathing. I wait to see what he’s going to do. It seems like hours before he finally speaks.

“I’ll hold you, Court, but nothing else. Not tonight.”


He releases his hold on me and moves around. The next thing I know, I hear a flopping noise as his clothes hit the floor. “Come here, baby.”

I waste no time going to him, moving in close so that my bare breasts are pressed against his chest. I tuck my head under his chin as his arms wrap around me tightly. I can feel his hard cock pressing into my stomach, but we both ignore it. He said only this, and I’m not willing to push him and lose this. Because this—this is a feeling unlike anything I’ve ever known.

I’ve had sex, not great sex, but I’ve done the deed. It’s always quick, sweaty, and nothing like this. I’ve never had this calm feeling wash over me. Calm, intertwined with safety in the arms of a man who I know without a doubt would protect me. Hell, he sleeps closest to the door for a hypothetical break-in.

“I could get addicted to this.”

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