Page 40 of Stay Real

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Another kiss because I can’t seem to stop myself before I close my eyes and will myself to fall asleep with this beautiful, uncertain woman in my arms. I can’t help but wonder what other experiences I can give her. That’s my last thought as I finally drift off to sleep.

My eyes pop open when I feel Courtney trying to move out of my arms. “No,” I grumble, and she giggles. Fuck me, I could get used to hearing that sound first thing in the morning.

“I have to pee,” she whines.

“Are you coming back to bed?”

She hesitates. “I’ll come back to bed.”

“Fine.” I kiss her bare shoulder where my T-shirt has slid off during the night. She tosses off the covers and scurries off to the bathroom. I do the same, needing to take care of business. I stand just outside the bathroom door to wait for her. When the door opens, she gasps.

“Did you find the extra toothbrushes?” I ask, knowing she did from the sounds coming from the bathroom.

“I did.”

“Good.” I lean in and press my lips to her temple. “Get back in bed.” I walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I quickly handle my business, wash my hands, and brush my teeth.

I find Courtney in bed with the covers pulled up to her chin. “You cold?” I ask her, slipping back into bed beside her. I don’t stop until I have her back in my arms.

“Not anymore,” she says with a small laugh.

“How are you feeling?”


“And last night?”

Her back is to my front, and she pulls the covers up to cover her face. “Embarrassed.”

“Embarrassed?” I ask, surprised, although I shouldn’t be. “Don’t hide from me,” I tease as I tickle her side. She giggles and squirms, trying to get away from me. “Court.”

She keeps her face hidden.

Climbing over her, I tug on the blanket and offer her a cheeky smile when our eyes meet. “Last night was hot as fuck. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I groped you.”

“Hot. As. Fuck.” I lean in and kiss the corner of her mouth. I make myself pull back before I take this too far.


“I’ll never lie to you, Court. Not ever, and yes, really. I had a beautiful woman in my bed, with my cock in her hand, and my tongue down her throat. That’s a good night.”

“You’re... ridiculous,” she says, but she’s smiling.

“Well, this ridiculous man is going to take the beautiful woman in his bed to breakfast.”

“I need clothes and a shower.” She wrinkles her nose adorably.

“I’ll shower fast, and then we can stop by your place.”

“Are you sure?”

I move in, my lips hovering over hers. “Absolutely.” This time, when I kiss her, I allow myself to take it further. My tongue battles with hers as she meets me stroke for stroke. My cock is painfully hard. I pull away and kiss her nose. “I’ll be quick. Help yourself to whatever.” I move off the bed and head to the bathroom. I step under the spray before the water is warm, trying to cool down my desire for her. Not that it helps. I have a feeling the only thing that will do that is me inside her.

That’s taking this beyond pretending to be hers for a few months and a date to her sister’s wedding.

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