Page 28 of Stay Real

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“It’s fine. He doesn’t mind. I had everything here handled, and now that I have my sous-chef, even more so.” She bumps her hip into mine, which breaks me out of the trance I was in.

Was I really just standing here holding a knife, staring at her son? I drop my chin to my chest and go back to dicing the cucumbers for the salad.

Talk about mortifying.

Carol and I work side by side while Merrick and his dad, once he got back from the store, watch us—or supervise, as they like to call it. Once everything is prepped, we all grab a glass of lemonade and slowly, one by one, his brothers and their families arrive.

They’re all very welcoming, and the kids, my goodness, cuteness overload. I’ve seen pictures, and a few of them have come into the boutique while I was working, but having them all in one place, it’s a little overwhelming for a girl with one sibling.

There’s lots of laughter and good food. Not once have any of them made me feel unwelcome. I’m holding Ryan as he sleeps peacefully in my arms when I feel strong hands grip my hips.

“He’s out like a light,” Merrick says softly. His hot breath brushes against my cheek.

“He is. He was fussy, so I offered to walk him while Stella finished eating her dessert.”

“He likes you.”

“I like him,” I say, staring down at the sleeping baby.

“You okay?”

I glance at him over my shoulder. “I’m great. Your family is incredible, Merrick.”

“Told you,” he says, kissing my cheek.

“Thank you for everything.”

He squeezes my hips softly. “I’m not so bad, huh?” he teases.

“Meh,” I say, making him laugh, which startles Ryan in my arms. “Shhh,” I soothe as I sway. I feel Merrick sway with me, and I can’t help but close my eyes. I know it’s wrong. It’s so very wrong, but I imagine this moment is real. This is our son, and he’s my husband who’s holding on to me as if I’m precious to him as we sway together, soothing our child.

It’s an incredibly slippery slope I just let my mind travel down, and I know I can’t allow for moments like this again. I can’t let my mind take this pretend relationship and run with it. I can’t dream of a future with a man who’s not really mine.

“Uncle Merrick!”

We turn to see his niece Blakely rushing toward us.

“There’s my girl.” Merrick steps away from me and opens his arms to catch her. He lifts her onto his hip as if she were a toddler. “What’s up?” he asks, placing a kiss on her cheek.

“I just needed an Uncle Merrick hug.”

“I love your overalls,” I tell her. They’re pink denim, and she looks adorable.

“Thanks. These are my wiener pants.”

A laugh bursts from my lips, and I quickly bite down and sway to soothe Ryan as my laughter startled him. Poor baby, I just got him to sleep, and between Merrick and me, he’s never going to rest.

“Blake.” Merrick tries to scold, but you can hear the laughter in his tone.

“What? They are. I wanted to wear them ’cause Daddy has to go to the shop later to check on something, and I’m going with him.” She looks over at me. “I have to wear my wiener pants when I go to the shop ’cause I get dirty like my daddy.”

I nod as I reach over and squeeze Merrick’s arm, because I can see he’s about ready to burst with laughter. “That makes sense,” I tell her.

She eyes where my hand is, and I immediately drop it. “Do you like the arm porn too?” She tilts her head to the side. “My mommy and my aunts do. Since you’re Uncle Mer’s girlfriend, you better like the arm porn. All the girls in this family do.”

I’m biting down on my cheek, trying my hardest not to laugh. “All right, let’s go.” Declan swoops in and takes his daughter into his arms. “Can’t take you anywhere,” he says, tickling her and making her squirm.

“So, that was Blakely.”

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