Page 10 of Predator

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“Abilities. He wants you to heal his dying son.” Something I’ve done a few times by accident, mostly when I was a child and didn’t understand what I was doing. I’ve never had anyone outright request me to.

“Oh.” Exhaling, I try to control my rapidly beating heart.

“He’s a son of a bitch, and his son is an adult who takes pleasure in hurting women. I won’t let you do it.” He’s arguing, but I’m not asking.

“And the other part?” He startles like I’ve shocked him. “I’m not yours? What does that mean, Dad?”

With the way his face loses color, I don’t need him to say anything else.

It’s as simple as those few words.

The possibility could be real that I’m not his.

Not Carter O’Neill’s daughter.

Not an O’Neill.

So, who am I?



“That him?” Johnny looks to me for an answer, and as I scan the image I was able to buy from the plastic surgeon in Ireland, I think we’ve finally got him.

“It fucking is.” I grin from ear to ear. “Call Nico, tell him to tail them as they leave the compound.” Johnny’s on the phone immediately as relief swamps me, quickly followed by the need to hunt.

Now that I know who my prey is, I can finally make the necessary arrangements to attack when he least expects it. The sooner, the better, as far as I’m concerned.

“I’ll hop in the car, and we’ll tag team him. You need anything else?”

“Just his routine.” Saluting me, Johnny’s off to the races, so to speak. It’s my turn to check in with Carter since the last time we spoke was the day after I left, and it’s been several days now. Della wasn’t leaving the house, so I had no way to tail her, and I wound up spending a lot of hours making calls to Ireland instead.

“Holy.” His clipped tone sounds agitated.

“What’s wrong?”

“Della is not in a good head space.” I’m instantly on alert and ready to kill.

“What happened?” He explains the overheard conversation and the confrontation afterwards. “Is she yours?” He didn’t clarify that.

“In every fucking way that matters,” Carter growls.

“But did you do a fucking test?” That’s what Della needs. She’s likely confused and wondering what the hell her place is in that house if she doesn’t feel as though she belongs.

“No, never.”

“Then what the fuck did you mean she wasn’t yours? Why didn’t you clarify for her?” It’s the first thing I’d have done.

“I don’t need some fucking test to know she’s my daughter, Holy. I raised that girl in every damn way that matters. She is mine, but she’s also her own person. I should have explained what I meant, but I’m an ass, and I was running on anger and couldn’t form a coherent thought while trying to calm myself down so she wouldn’t become overwhelmed by my damn emotions. It’s a fucking clusterfuck of epic proportions, so hurry the fuck up and get back here because I get the feeling she needs and maybe wants you more than she does me.” Damn, the man sounds wounded.

“I’ll do the best I can, but we just discovered Sean’s new identity, and if what you’re telling me is true, then I think he’s getting ready to make a move. I’ll be in touch soon.” Hanging up, I let Johnny and Nico know how much pushier Sean has become with Carter about Della.

The phone vibrates in my hand as I’m about to get up from my perch in the hills behind Smith’s estate. “Little brother,” I greet as I put the phone to my ear.

“How’s Boston?” he grunts, sounding out of breath.

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