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Automatically I checked the oxygen level, took a lungful of air, put on the mask when Kerstin handed it to me, while all the while very aware that Myles kept staring at me.

When I was ready, I very ungainly with my long fins, made my way to the end of the pier, stepping off it with a long stride without looking back. My body knew what to do, I didn't even have to remind myself to keep my hand on my mask to keep it in place.

The impact with the water felt good. It was cooler than in other areas of Oceanus, but it served me just fine since it cooled my temper slightly.

"Are you coming?" I called out, using the long fins to prop most of my upper body up out of the water so I could peek over the edge of the pier.

Again, Myles should have looked ridiculous, just like I had when I marched down the pier, fins weren't meant to make one look good when walking, but damn, why did he have to make it look so sexy?


I really needed to get a hang of my mind.

With a splash he landed next to me.

In a few steps I ran him through the basic rules, making a circle with pointer finger and thumps, ok, thumps up, let's go back up, a slashing notion with a straight hand across the throat, I'm in trouble.

He made the ok sign and dove under before I had a chance to explain anything else. With a sigh, I put my mouthpiece in and followed.

Thankfully it was still light enough outside for the sun's rays to penetrate several feet under the water surface to allow us to see. He was already further away than I would have anticipated, his long, muscular legs moved up and down with the fins, propelling him forward as if he had done so all his life and for a moment I wondered if he had deceived me and had been diving all along.

But when he returned to me, and I spotted the amazement in his black eyes through the mask, I knew that this was his first time. I felt a thrill of being part of this with him. Our divers learned from a young age and I didn’t get to see their excitement very often.

He pointed forward and I nodded, not caring where we went.

The water wasn't too deep here, fifty feet at most, and soon we reached the bottom, where Myles fingers dug into the loose sand, brushed over corals and startled a six-eyed fish.

An eel poked his face out of a grouping of rocks and Myles swam straight for it. I grabbed his ankle and pulled him back, enjoying my power in the water. On land I would have never been able to pull or push him.

Questioningly he turned and looked at me. I pointed at the eel and made a slashing movement with my hand across my throat, before I exaggerated falling into a spasm, which would happen if he touched the eel.

He nodded and only stared at the long creature instead for what seemed forever, before the long creature withdrew, probably tired of the staring contest.

I followed Myles to a large field of quanip where several of it had already been harvested by our divers. More out of habit now than actual need for us, but none of our citizens knew what Nathan had been up to. So it was important to keep up appearances.

We kept swimming for a while, stopping here and there for Myles to investigate something, while my mind drifted to Attourna. I would have loved to dive through those ruins.

A long time ago we came across a sunken ship and I begged and pleaded with my father to stay there for a week, while I dove every day, staying under as long as possible while investigating the wreckage. Sometimes two, three times a day. I couldn’t get enough of searching through the wreckage, no matter how much it was falling apart. I still kept a turned greenish, metallic cup as a momentum in my room.

I cried when we left the area and we never returned, at least not to my knowledge.

Thinking of that filled me with a deep passion to see Attourna, to swim through the crumbling columns, maybe even enter a building. I decided to ask Myles when we were back on his ship, realizing I would barter pretty much anything if he would take me there.

Which, hopefully, wouldn't be too hard, judging by how much he was enjoying himself right now.

My eyes nearly fell out of my head when they latched on to her almost naked body, barely covered by some skin tight material more or less covering her torso. Her ripe tits bounced with every step she took, leaving luscious flesh exposed making my fingers itch. At first I thought they itched to touch them, because the gods knew that in that moment I was nearly ready to pounce on her and take her right now in front of everybody. Which hotblooded vissigroth wouldn't at the sight of a beautiful seffy approaching? But then I realized that my fingers twitched for my cape, to cover her.

That protective instinct startled me enough to not move at all, giving me time to notice that the other males around us appeared more or less unfazed by her exposed body.

Oh, there were some veiled glances, which I was sure escaped her nitwit brother and her as well, but the males managed to keep their interest hidden well enough—at least as far as the human males were concerned. The Leanders were a different story and it cost all of my willpower not to run them through with my blade.

I took a deep breath, to remind myself that she was my hostage, that she wasn't my seffy to tell how to dress, at least not here, not now. A vissigroth knew when to pick his battles. Besides, I grudgingly admitted her outfit would make it easier for her to dive.


What an adventure!

As soon I entered the water and began moving my legs up and down the way Nathan had instructed me while Niara was getting ready, I forgot everything but the sensation of flying through the water like a siren. It was exhilarating. The speed with which these fins propelled me forward was incredible. Finally the sirens and Leandars had entered the same playing field. An advantage I owed the human seffy for.

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