Page 72 of Torrid

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“Liberty, look at me.” Country sounded worried.

I just shook my head. I couldn’t look at him. He’d see the devastation on my face. I didn’t want his pity. I was so stupid. Liam was a biker. He was around gorgeous, younger, naked women all the time, at his disposal.

“Liberty!” Liam’s voice carried loudly down the hallway.

I lifted my head to see him stalking toward me. I tensed when my eyes met his. The rage glaring back at me shifted to Country.

Oh no.


Country flinched, but he didn’t back away. He squared his shoulders and stood there like an idiot. He needed to run. I’d never seen Liam like this, and I wasn’t sure I didn’t need to run. He was frightening.

“She was upset,” Country said defensively, but the waver in his voice told me he was scared.

The door swung open again, and I glanced back briefly, afraid to take my eyes off Liam, to see others pouring into the hallway.

Liam moved then, and I stepped back, only to realize he had grabbed the collar on Country’s shirt. Opening my mouth to stop him, I watched in horror as Liam’s fist connected with Country’s face, causing his head to snap back.

Oh no, oh no.

“Liam, stop!” I shouted, reaching for his arm.

His eyes swung to me, and the earlier rage had morphed into something feral as his eyes gleamed in a way that caused me to freeze.

“Go to my suite, Liberty,” he ground out.

I shook my head. If I ran, he’d kill Country. Whatever was going on in his head right now was dangerous.

“No. Let him go,” I begged.

Liam let out a dark rumble in his chest, and his fist slammed into Country’s face again.

I screamed as blood shot from his nose and Country’s head drooped forward.

“GO TO MY GODDAMN ROOM!” Liam roared as his eyes bored into me, looking unhinged.

“He will kill him if you don’t,” Jars said.

A sob broke free as I looked back at the other man. Jars’s expression was severe. The others were silent. No one moved to help Country though. I wanted to help him and stop Liam, but the more I said, the worse it seemed to get.

“LIBERTY, NOW!” Liam shouted.

Crying, I turned and ran for the stairs. How I managed to get up them without falling while my vision was so blurry from the tears I didn’t know. When I hit the top step, I paused, looking back. Country was hurt because he had been worried about me.

I didn’t know that man I’d just watched. Liam had been someone else. Someone violent and cruel.

“Did you touch her?!” Liam’s voice carried up the stairs.

I couldn’t hear Country’s response. Was he even conscious?

I heard feet shuffling, then the deep rumble of another man talking, but it wasn’t loud enough for me to make out.

Had one of the others finally stepped in to help Country? Why had they just let Liam do that to him?

Pressing my palms to my eyes, I let out a ragged breath, then turned and walked to Liam’s suite. Numbly, I turned the knob to open the door and went inside. His scent met my nose, and more tears prickled my eyes.

I was in love with a monster.

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