Page 58 of Torrid

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“Ah, come on. I’ve given you all fucking morning. I even waited until midafternoon for you to tell me you’d moved that hot, sexy, young baby momma into your house,” he complained.

Shit. You’d think bikers wouldn’t gossip like a bunch of old ladies.

“Who told you that?” I asked. This wasn’t something I wanted getting out. I was struggling with it enough as it was. Once Madeline found out—fuck. I didn’t want to think about her reaction.

Tex gave me a pointed look. “You really have to ask that?”

“Micah,” I sighed.

Should have known the fucker couldn’t keep his mouth shut. If I hadn’t raised the bastard, I’d have beaten him within an inch of his life years ago.

Tex nodded, then gave me a sly grin. “Since the cat’s out of the bag,” he said, then wiggled his eyebrows.

I glared at him, not finding his pun humorous in the least.

“Tell me you got her home last night, got those tits and that ass naked, worshipped them, then fucked the hell out of her,” he said. “I mean, you did something, obviously. I doubt those claw marks were an accident.”

“No one is to know,” I told him through clenched teeth. “I don’t want people knowing she’s in my house. It’s bad enough that I knocked her up.”

Tex frowned. “What’s so bad about it? She’s gorgeous with big tits and a bouncy, round ass, and you get to tap that whenever you want. I’m struggling to find the problem.”

He needed to stop talking about her body. I didn’t like it, and again, that was another fucking problem I couldn’t control.

“I’ve told you already. She’s sixteen years younger than me. She was a bartender without a car and living in a goddamn motel, and I fucked her hours after meeting her. Not once either. Several times. What do you think Madeline is going to think when she finds this out? She was so excited about the doctor. Wanted us to come over for dinner. You think she’s gonna want a homeless bartender who is only six years older than her to come over for dinner? What about the boys? I’m about to give them an aunt or uncle who is younger than they are.” I ran a hand over my head and sighed.

Telling him that all I could think about was her dirty mouth, and her soaking wet cunt wasn’t happening. I had to get a handle on it and set some line that wouldn’t be crossed.

The whole thing with her in the bikini and Country drooling all over her had set me off. Then, when I saw her stomach wasn’t flat anymore, I lost my damn mind. The word MINE roared in my head so loudly that I almost shouted it. Thank fuck I hadn’t.

Having her all curled up against me in bed, smelling like heaven, while my hand held one of her big, swollen tits when I opened my eyes this morning hadn’t helped. I shouldn’t have let her stay in my room. It had been a mistake. The ice-cold shower I took didn’t ease much, considering when I got out, she was still lying in my bed, naked.

I’d had to get the hell out of that house before I climbed on top of her and she woke up with my dick buried inside her. I wasn’t sure I could go back. At least not today.

“Why are you concerned about what Madeline thinks? She didn’t care that you didn’t approve of her choice in a husband. She’s your daughter, but, man, Liberty is carrying your other kid.”

I shook my head. “I’m too old for this. A relationship with a woman that young. She might be thirty-one, but she’s got herself as pulled together as much as a sorority girl does. Hell, at least sorority girls are in college, getting a degree. She didn’t even do that. I need someone mature.”

Tex chuckled. “When did you start thinking like some old grandpa? You’ve got a smoking hot piece of young ass. Sure, she might be a mess, and, hell, maybe she’s a little crazy even, but who the fuck cares? She’s got your baby up in her; she’s sleeping in your bed, spreading those sweet thighs for you. Dude, snap out of it,” he said, then stood up.

Dammit! I didn’t need a reminder about her fucking spread thighs.

My phone started ringing, and I looked down to see Selena’s name lighting up the screen. Just what I needed right now. To deal with this. I’d been dodging her the best I could, but she didn’t seem to give up easily.

“Probably want to cut that shit loose,” Tex said. “Good luck with that.” he added with a nod, then turned to leave the office.

I waited until the door closed, then hit Answer and leaned back in my chair, dreading this.

“Selena,” I said in greeting.

“Liam,” she replied, sounding happy to hear my voice. “I thought I’d give you a call since I hadn’t heard back from you after my last text message. I’ve been worried about you. I hope everything is okay.”

I tilted my head back and stared at the ceiling. This was going to be annoyingly dramatic. I had thought our casual dating was going well. No attachment on her part. I’d figured out that I was wrong. Women got attached even when they claimed they weren’t. Another reason I couldn’t keep fucking Liberty. She would get attached.

“I’ve had some personal stuff going on, Selena. Right now, dating just isn’t something I can fit into my life. I’m sorry I’ve not gotten back to you. Things have been busy, and I’ve had a lot of distractions. I’m not in a headspace to date,” I said, ripping off the Band-Aid and getting it out there.

“Oh,” she replied, disappointment in her tone. “I-I hope I wasn’t being pushy. I just—I mean, I was having a good time. I thought you were too. We don’t have to date, but we could just see each other as friends when you have time. I could bring dinner over to your place if you’re too tired to come over here. I’d love to see your house. Meet Oscar.”

Her hopefulness made me feel like shit. Even if she’d just called my dog by the wrong name.

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