Page 42 of Torrid

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“Country has been handling the extra edging and weed eating,” Nina said, giving me a sharp look.

“You don’t say,” Micah piped up, grinning like a damn fool.

I wasn’t taking his bait. He could kiss my ass. By looking at Liberty, he thought there was more to this. He was wrong.

I shrugged. Guessed they had it all worked out. I finished my plate without saying anything more, then stood up.

“Ready?” I asked Liberty.

She closed the dishwasher she’d been loading and turned to me. “Yep.”

“Thanks for the meal, Nina,” I said before turning toward the door. “Delicious, as always. Tell Goldie I said thank you.”

“Liberty helped me make breakfast. Might want to thank her instead,” she replied.

I glanced back at Liberty, who gave me a forced smile, then took her purse from a hook and placed it over her shoulder. She was making breakfast? I studied her, finding this hard to believe. Cooking for this bunch wasn’t easy. Why would she offer to do that?

“Can’t wait to hear about your appointment,” Nina told her.

“Me too! If you get an ultrasound, bring pictures,” Dolly added.

Liberty gave them a little wave. “I will be sure to give you the highlights.”

Shoving the door open, I headed out into the hallway just as Grinder was coming in from the back door.

“Prez,” he said. “Didn’t expect you until later. Church is at four, right?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

His gaze shifted to Liberty as she followed me into the hallway, and he grinned. When did Grinder ever fucking grin?

“Liberty,” he greeted her. “Didn’t see you when I came into the kitchen this morning; you’d gone up to get ready. But them fried potatoes were something else. I had two helpings before Nina cut me off.”

Was I in the motherfucking twilight zone?

I looked at Liberty, who was blushing.

“I’m glad you liked them. I know Goldie does them different, but Nina wanted me to do them the way I knew how.”

“The general consensus is, we all prefer yours,” he said in a low voice.

Liberty laughed softly. “Well, I don’t know the secret to her cheese grits, so don’t go telling her that. She might withhold them, and there would be a riot.”

He chuckled as I stood there, watching in silence.

Finally, I cleared my throat. “We need to get going.”

Grinder glanced at me as if he’d forgotten I was there. “Where you taking her?” He seemed concerned.

This wasn’t his fucking business.

“Doctor’s appointment,” Liberty offered when I didn’t respond.

His eyes widened. “All right then. See you at church, Prez,” he said to me, then walked into the kitchen.

We made it to the Charger without any more of my men stopping to chat with Liberty. Neither of us spoke as I pulled through the gate. I was annoyed, but I wasn’t sure exactly why. I should be fucking relieved. She wasn’t being difficult, and everyone seemed to like her being there. I wouldn’t need to relocate her, which was something that had been in the back of my mind. I wasn’t there full-time, like I once had been, and if Liberty decided to be the spoiled bitch she’d been with Selena, then I couldn’t expect them all to deal with her.

Clearly, I’d been worried for nothing. She’d charmed the whole damn bunch, it seemed.

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