Page 34 of Torrid

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“Jesus! Fuck! GAH!” Liam roared behind me, and I felt the heat of his release as it shot into me with every thrust of his hips.

For a moment, we were silent as we stilled. This was even more spectacular than it had been in the motel room, and that had been life-changing. How had it gotten better?

Liam stepped back from me, and his cock slid out. The trickle of warmth I felt oozing between my thighs was him. He’d not worn a condom. But I guessed it wasn’t like he could get me pregnant since he’d already accomplished that. There were other things to worry about. Like the fact that he had sex with God knew who.

I stood up and turned to face him. His eyes met mine as he zipped up his jeans.

“I’m clean,” he said. “I get checked regularly and was just tested last week, but I will go get another one just to be sure.” His nostrils flared as he looked behind me, then reached for my tank top and handed it to me. “Get dressed.”

Here was where the regret came in. I’d known he was going to feel this way, and honestly, I should too. But I didn’t. Because that had been insane, and I wanted more of it.

I slipped my top on and went to pick up my panties, separating them from my shorts. I needed new ones, but I didn’t have any in here, so I put them on quickly, then my shorts. When I turned back to Liam, he was sitting in the chair with his head in his hands and his fingers threaded in his hair. My stomach sank.

Why did this thing between us have to be bad? When he was nice, I liked him. And we were very good at the sex part.

He let out a deep sigh and dropped his hands from his head and looked up at me. “That shouldn’t have happened. I drank too much, and, well …” He shook his head and leaned back in the chair. “Fuck,” he muttered.

That annoyed me. Why was he so upset? Was it because he had feelings for Sissy? That thought made me feel sick. Did he not like me because I was going to be a problem with their relationship? He had no idea how bad it was going to be. When she found out, she would lose it. But she wasn’t pregnant with his baby. I was.

“The amount of your cum pooling in my panties right now says you enjoyed it just as much as I did,” I said, angry that he was acting like this.

He looked at me and tensed, then shook his head. “Don’t say shit like that,” he warned me.

I lifted my shoulders in a shrug. “I’m just pointing it out. If you thought they were wet before, then you should—”

“SHUT UP!” he shouted.

I crossed my arms over my chest as the feeling of rejection began to sink in. As if I hadn’t dealt with that enough in my life. Having it come from the man whose baby I was carrying was a hard blow, no matter how used to it I should be. This hurt.

A knock at the door stopped whatever else I was about to spew from my mouth, and I was thankful for the interruption.

“What?” Liam barked.

It opened, and the tattooed, green-eyed man with a pierced tongue stepped inside. Liam had called him Tex. His gaze darted to me quickly, then went back to Liam.

“Sorry, but it’s important,” he said.

Liam swung his eyes back to me. “Go to the bedroom. Pack up your things. I’ll be there shortly,” he said.

Pack up my things? I should be relieved. He wasn’t planning on holding me hostage. Instead, dread started to creep in. What was he going to do? Take me to a motel and leave me? Or would he possibly take me to his house? Did he have one? Yes, he had to have a house.

The thought of living with him, in a home, not this club, sent a thrill of excitement through me. He didn’t want me, but maybe if I was given a chance, I could change his mind about me. It wasn’t like I could get this man to love me, but maybe he could like me. We could be friends even. Possibly friends who had sex because I really wanted more of that.



“I know this is bad timing, but I waited until I was sure you were done and had time to dress,” Tex said.

I ran a hand over my face. What the fuck had I just done? I could still smell her on my beard, and, dammit, my cock was getting stiff again. I had to wash her scent off me.

“Sounded like you decided against the not-fucking-her plan,” he was amused.

“It was a mistake,” I snarled.

“The floor shaking and the cursing, shouting, and screaming didn’t sound like a mistake. I was close to needing to rub one off, listening to her.”

The instant fury that unleashed inside me was the slap in the face I needed. I didn’t like that he’d heard her. He didn’t need to know what she sounded like when she was fucking. It made me want to rip his head off, and that was a problem. Because having any kind of reaction to her, other than just making sure her needs were met because she was carrying my child, was bad.

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