Page 24 of Torrid

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“It’s not what you think,” I said, wishing he would let it go.

Both his eyebrows shot up. “I think you’re banging that perfect, plump ass and unloading in her every chance you get because you’re a smart man. So, are you saying that ain’t what’s happening?”

“She’s Selena’s sister. I’m keeping her here for a couple of days to do some work for me while she relocates. That’s all anyone needs to know.”

Tex ran his hand over his mouth, trying to cover his amusement. “That’s the doctor’s sister, and you are giving her a job to do in your office upstairs for a few days.”

I sighed and headed up the stairs.

“Is that why you sent me to your house last night? And if so, why the fuck did you stay down here until two before you went to bed?”

“I’m not fucking her, Tex,” I ground out.

“You keep her all cozy up there with you much longer, and you will be.”

I shook my head and kept going up. I was over this conversation. He didn’t need to know anything more. No one did. I had three days to decide what I was going to do if the baby was mine.

Liberty stood at the top of the stairs with her hands on her hips, looking pissed. That stance put those tits of hers on display in a way I didn’t need.

Did she not own a baggy shirt? Was everything tight and too short?

“This door is my office,” I said, opening it and walking inside.

It wasn’t until she followed me in that it dawned on me that my office was going to smell like her now. Just fucking great. Maybe I should let her go on a job hunt. I mean, there was a big chance that in three days, she would no longer be my concern and she’d need a job.

Jerking my chair out from under my desk with more force than necessary, I sat down in it. “How would you get around to find a job if I let you go look?”

She was thirty-one, and she didn’t own a fucking car. How pathetic was that? Could she not have pulled her life together by this point? If she worked all the time, why hadn’t she bought one already?

“The bus,” she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. That only pushed her tits up more, but at least it was better than when they were on complete display.

“That’s a lot of walking,” I pointed out.

“I’ve had to do it many times in my life.”

I leaned back in my chair and looked at her. “Why is that? You’re thirty-one. Why don’t you have a car?”

She visibly tensed, and I realized I’d struck a nerve.

“I had a car in the past; I just don’t have one at the moment.”

I reached for a cigarette. “And why is that?”

“That’s not an easy question to answer. There is a lot to that story.”

I just bet there was. She had to make up all the excuses as to why she had chosen this path in life when she could have had the same life as her sister. They’d been offered an education. She hadn’t wanted it.

I stuck the cigarette between my lips and lit it. “Always something with you, isn’t there?” I said, standing back up. “The stack of files right there, they need to be put back in those cabinets, where they belong. It’s in alphabetical order. Once you’re done with that, go back to the bedroom. When I have time, I will show you what needs to be scanned and how to use the scanner. I’ll have that food sent up,” I told her as I walked past her and out the door.

I expected her to say something, but she didn’t say a word. I wasn’t going to be able to stay up here with her. The harder my dick got when I thought about how tight her cunt was, the more I lashed out at her.

If the baby was mine, I was going to have to find a way not to do that.



A knock on the door interrupted my reading about the first trimester of pregnancy from a website I’d found on my phone. I looked at the time to see it was a few minutes after seven. I had finished the filing hours ago, but after Liam had brought me a chicken sandwich and fries for lunch, I’d not seen him again.

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