Page 18 of Torrid

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He took a step toward me, and I refused to back away like a scared little girl. It wasn’t like he was going to hit me. I squared my shoulders and glared at him.

“Are you pregnant, Liberty?” he asked again.

“Why do you want to know? I seriously doubt Sissy is interested in my life,” I snapped.

“Answer me,” he said, his tone going a touch more intense.

“Yes!” I all but shouted.

He might as well know. It wasn’t like he was going to help me, and even if he wanted to, I wasn’t sure how safe that was. His connection to the Mafia didn’t make me feel comfortable.

“Is it mine?”

Of course he would ask me that. His opinion of me was pretty low, and I would blame that all on Sissy, but I was the one who had opened my legs for him hours after meeting him.

“Does it matter?” I asked him.

He stalked toward me, and I backed up until my back hit a tree behind me. Liam stopped inches from his chest touching mine. I tilted my head to stare up at him. I could feel the anger pulsing from his body.

“Maybe not to you, but it does to me,” he snarled. “Is it mine?”

I could lie, but then I feared the repercussions if he ever found out the truth.

“Yes,” I bit out.

My heart was hammering against my chest as panic began to build inside me. What did this mean now? What was he going to do?

“You could be lying,” he said in an accusing tone.

God, this asshole. He had asked me, and now, he wanted to claim I was a liar.

“If you weren’t going to believe me, then why did you ask?!” I shot back at him, then shoved against his chest, wanting some space. He didn’t budge.

“I want a paternity test,” he said, then stepped back and grabbed the handle on my luggage I’d left when I backed away from him. “Get in the car.”

I shook my head. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He picked up both suitcases. “Yeah, you are,” he replied, then began walking toward his car with my things.

I hurried after him. “Put them down! You can’t force me to do anything!”

He didn’t even slow down. His long strides only quickened.

My mind was racing as I tried to think of a way to stop this. I didn’t need a paternity test. I hadn’t had sex with anyone but Liam in the past four months.

Wallace’s lack of interest in having sex with me should have been a clue that our relationship was going downhill. But we had both been busy, and there hadn’t been much time—or so I had thought then. I hadn’t been off my birth control when I was with Wallace, and I’d had two periods since the last time I’d had sex with him.

Liam wasn’t going to believe me even if I told him all that. To him, I was a woman who fucked strangers that picked me up at work.

“Why do you want a paternity test? I’m not asking for your help. I didn’t plan on demanding anything from you.”

He opened the trunk of his car and slid a suitcase inside, then put the other in before closing it, barely looking at me. I stood there, watching him, waiting on an answer. I did not want to get in that car.

Jerking his door open, he looked at me finally. “I take care of what is mine. What we did was reckless, and I’m old enough to know better than to fuck some bartender who has no self-respect. But I did, and if you’re carrying my kid, then I will take care of both of you. I’ll take full responsibility. Now, get in the goddamn car before I put you in it myself.”

I glanced at the pub, knowing there was no help for me inside there. In fact, if Virginia saw Liam, she’d be even more determined to get me out of here. She’d probably shove me inside his car herself.

He had my things, and right now, I had nowhere to go. I was out of options.

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