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“OK! With what?” I asked. He’d already made it this far.

“Turning on the water.”

“Uh… Alright…” That made just about zero sense, considering all it took to turn on the water was to use the pump. He could easily do that with his tail, not even using his hands. I tried to step around him to get to the pump’s level, but he caught my waist in his hands, halting me.

“You should remove your clothing, too. Or else you will get all wet.”

There was a husky, needy scrape in his voice that had me worried about getting wet in a whole different way. I hadn’t been with Fallon sexually since his injury, and I’d missed it more than I ever could have predicted. I knew he missed it, too. He’d made remarks about being healed enough for it, but I’d kept chickening out, scared I would hurt him or somehow reopen his wounds.

“No funny business,” I warned him, still worried about the possibility of worsening his injuries. I quickly undressed, chucking my clothes and boots on the ground outside. I turned around just in time to see Fallon’s eyes turn white as they roved over me hungrily. His cock visibly twitched, and he groaned and wrapped his fist around it.

“Hey! I said no funny business!” I admonished him, fighting the arousal that curled hot claws inside me at the sight of him. Big, naked, beautiful, with a rapidly swelling cock, it was hard to imagine that he hadn’t been able to walk just a few short – and terribly, terribly long – weeks ago.

“I do not know what that means. Is admiring my beautiful wife considered ‘funny business’?” He gave his cock a short, swift stroke. “Funny business feels good.”

I spun around, face on fire, pussy tingling. I bent slightly, beginning to work the pump. Warm water dribbled, then sprayed down on both of us.

“There. Now it’s started. You keep working it with your tail,” I told him. “I’ll help you wash your hair and back and stuff.”

“Would you also help me wash my cock?” he asked hopefully.

“Are you telling me that area is hard to reach for you?” I asked, raising an incredulous eyebrow at him.

“Maybe? I do feel, ever since my injuries, that perhaps my arms are not as long as they used to be…”

I burst out laughing.

“Jesus Christ. Just turn around, Fallon,” I said, blinking water from my eyes and still laughing. I grabbed the bottle of soap/shampoo I’d brought with me from Elora station – nearly empty, now – and squeezed some of the sweet-smelling stuff onto my hands. I started sudsing Fallon’s back, rubbing slippery circles over the clench and flex of his muscles.

“OK. Now hair,” I said. “Here. Sit on this.” I dragged a bucket from the corner of the shower, flipped it over, then banged on its surface like a drum. Putting almost all of his weight on his good leg, he bent it, then settled himself on the bucket-stool I’d created.

I got more soapy stuff onto my hands, then started working my fingers into Fallon’s thick, soaked hair. My hands and fingers had already gotten a lot stronger from all my farmwork, and it was no trouble at all for me to give Fallon a nice, deep scalp massage. He groaned deeply, and when I reached his ears, stroking water and soap over them, his whole body jerked.

“Oh, shit. Are you alright? Does something hurt?” I asked, wrenching my hands back.

“No,” Fallon said. “My ears… They are very sensitive. But you did not hurt me. The opposite, in fact.”

“Really?” I’d had no idea. All this time I’d spent admiring his cute little cartoon-like ears, and I’d never even touched them. Experimentally, I swiped my soaked fingers along their silky edges, then started to gently massage.

Fallon bucked so hard he nearly fell right off the bucket.

“Ah!” he moaned, hips gyrating. From this angle, it was easy to see how hard he was. How he fucked desperately upwards into nothing.

OK. This went way beyond sensitive. Who knew his ears were a goddamn erogenous zone?!

And suddenly, I couldn’t make myself stop. I couldn’t make myself deny my husband this little bit of pleasure after everything he’d gone through. It wasn’t like I was going to make him drill into me in some violent fuck-fest. I was just going to rub his cute little ears, until –

“Darcy!” Fallon’s hips spasmed again, and his cock throbbed, then exploded. I gasped, the edges of his ears still caught between my fingers, as his pelvis rolled, his cock spewing.

Even when it stopped, he was still hard.

Well, he did ask me to wash it…

That wouldn’t be so bad. If I did all the work, and he could just sit there and relax…

That’s what I told myself, anyway, as I went around to his front and kneeled down between his spread thighs. Raising my soapy hands, I began to slide them up and down his rigid shaft.

Fallon made a long, mangled sort of sound. He stared down at me, watching my fingers work themselves over his wet cock. Water rolled down his hard body in shimmering rivulets. Impulsively, I leaned to the side and sucked water from the skin of his inner thigh.

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