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“Oh, Jesus, please don’t sniff me down there,” I groaned, trying to close my legs at the very moment Fallon’s grip on my thighs went iron-hard and he shoved his face between them.

His groan was so thick and deep that I felt the vibration of it, straight into my core. The tip of Fallon’s nose bumped my clit, and as if he could no more stop his mouth from opening than he could his heart beating, his lips parted and he laved his way up. Up, until his tongue was drawing hot little circles over my clit that made my insides quiver.

I wasn’t sure if it was my own wantonness, or if Fallon’s hand was guiding me, but my right leg rose once more as if to try to wrap around him, hold him tighter. Fallon made a hungry sound, his hand falling to my knee to pull on my leg to complete the motion. The sound of ripping told me that my panties had been torn in half, leaving Fallon free to chuck my ankle over his back.

“Oh! God,” I groaned, my hands blindly searching downwards for something to anchor myself to. I knocked Fallon’s hat from his head, my fingers burying in the warm, pale silk of his hair. Fallon’s licks grew harder, faster, interspersed with greedy sucking that told me this guy was either one of the best actors in the galaxy, or that he really was just wild about my taste.

Something told me it was the latter. Everything I’d seen in Fallon so far had taught me that he wore his lovely heart on his non-existent sleeve.

Fallon’s back wrenched with hot tension beneath my leg when his tongue slid back and probed my entrance. My breath caught, and my hips surged involuntarily forward, as if to draw his tongue inside.

“This is where I get to put my cock?” he panted against my trembling flesh.

“Yes,” I whimpered, hoping against hope he didn’t try to say the anatomical word. I simply did not have the brain space to try to teach Fallon the correct pronunciation of the word vagina right now.

But I did have the brain space for something else…

“You could do it now.”



“You could do it now,” Darcy told me. Instantly, my cock spewed against the strained leather of my trousers. I’d already been on the tremulous verge of ejaculation from the glorious taste of her on my tongue. But her words tipped me over, sending excitement racing down my spine and into my cock.

I tensed, clenching my fangs together, trying to slow the spill of pleasure and mostly succeeding. I was still hard, though. Still needing her badly.

“I can… I can mate you?” I hissed through my tense teeth. I wanted to make sure I’d heard correctly. That my greed for her hadn’t warped my perception of her words.

“Yes,” she whispered. I dared a glance up at her and nearly came again. She was holding up her skirt for me so prettily. Her expression, often hard to read, was open and lusty, hot colour staining her cheeks.

I did not need to be told again. I surged unsteadily to my feet. I had planned to walk with her inside and to the bed. All the diagrams in my book showed humans mating in a bed. But Darcy’s hands were already at my belt, tugging impatiently.

I’d thought my wedding was the best day of my life.

This was also the best day of my life.

I had so many more best days to come with my wife that I nearly tipped over with the force of that joy.

My life is so beautiful now, I thought, watching with near-wretched adoration as she finally tugged open my belt and trousers with a smirk of triumph. I helped her to shove the trousers down, fully freeing my wet and aching shaft. Her slender fingers gripped me, and I moaned. My cock tail spasmed, looking for something to latch on to.

“Bend your knees a little. Or lift me up,” Darcy instructed, her eyes bright as she watched her fingers encircle my cock. I scooped her up, my hands firm beneath her bottom. Immediately, her thighs spread wide, wrapping around me, her back arching.

“Now just put yourself… Ooh. Just like that. You’ve got it,” she murmured encouragingly as the leaking tip of my organ met her silken wetness. Her flesh enveloped me as I twitched forwards, a tight, slick sheath of mind-bending perfection.

Merciful Empire. Was I dead? Had I reached another plane of existence?

Nothing real could ever be so good.

But it was. She was. For every moment that I feared I’d awaken and find this all a dream, my wife simply drew me deeper into her sweet body. She locked her arms around my neck, her thighs trembling at my waist as I experimentally drew back and thrust back in. My cock tail, still flickering in need, found her clit and, lasso-like, wrapped around that tender nub until Darcy spasmed and cried out.

“Too hard?” I grunted, ceasing.

“No!” she gasped. “Don’t stop now!”

My steadiness faltered, then died. With a frantic twitch, my cock tail squeezed her as my hips drew back and snapped powerfully forwards. When I reached her deepest point, my tip encountering the end of her pulsing channel, I groaned and ground myself desperately inside. Everything was hot suction and silk, Darcy’s high moans mingled with my feral grunts, limbs and skin and need.

“Fallon… I… I’m going to… Ah!” Darcy fluttered and then clenched around me with searing force. Dizzily, I realized she was climaxing.

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