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He looked at me like I’d lost my pathetic human mind.

Jesus. Maybe I had. I felt like a lunatic. I’d run the gamut of horny to terrified to wracked with guilt that I’d just hurt Fallon.

I stopped pacing and plopped down on the floor beside him. He took a huge, steadying breath and unfurled himself from his tortured pose of pain. Slowly, he eased himself up into a seated position, his hands still placed like a shield around his genitals.

“I’m so sorry, Fallon,” I said, meaning it. Our first truly sexual encounter and I’d practically neutered him. My God. “I didn’t know… I didn’t mean to. I felt your, um, cock tail and was completely taken by surprise.”

Taken by surprise. That was a nice way of saying that I was nearly knocked out of the bed by the sensation of some unseen, prehensile alien organ slithering its way across my bare fucking butt cheek.

“You could not have known.” Fallon grimaced, rubbing at himself. “You did not get a book like I did.”

“Yeah, seriously. What the hell? Why didn’t I get a human-Zabrian porn colouring book!” I cried, throwing up my hands. My guilt about hurting Fallon was getting redirected into rage.

First, I’d been dumped here without even being told that my betrothed was a literal convicted murderer. And second, I didn’t get any of the same level of preparation as he did about what to expect! If I’d had some dumbass Zabrian manual with drawings and diagrams, I’d have known all about this cock tail! Feeling it poking around my derriere would have been more of a fun, sexy surprise instead of an oh God what is this eldritch horror?! surprise.

“Are you in a lot of pain?” I asked miserably. What an absolute wife fail.

Fallon’s face and posture said, “Yes” but his very kind voice said, “No!”

“Don’t lie to your wife,” I admonished, shuffling closer on my knees. “Want me to kiss it better?”

I’d meant it mostly as a joke, to try to lighten the atmosphere and the absolute anvil of guilt that had settled in my belly. But Fallon went starry-eyed with the most innocent, expectant sort of hope and gratefully replied, “Yes, please.”


Well, I guessed I was doing this thing. It wasn’t like I hadn’t just been wantonly rubbing myself all over his cock a few minutes ago. So what if I’d never given or received oral? Even if I’d had some human blow-job experience, it might not have even transferred over to Zabrian anatomy, anyway. Case in point, random-ass squiggly cock tail appearance.

This will be fine. Probably, I told myself, stomach flip-flopping as Fallon parted his thighs and I scooted closer between them on my knees.

Strangely, even though I was nervous, I wasn’t dreading doing this. My stomach flipped again, but this time it felt more like a swoop of excitement. Fallon was so big and beautiful and naked, and I’d hurt him, and goddamnit, his idiot wife was going to kiss it all better.

“Could you, ah, move your hands?” I asked, wetting my lips. Instantly, his hands flew away from his groin. Placing my palms on his thighs, I got my first good, solid look at Fallon’s package.

He was no longer fully hard, which made sense considering the amount of pain I’d just inflicted on the area. But even so, his long, orange, smoothly tapered shaft was still slightly stiff-fleshed, almost like a firm silicone that jutted out from his groin. Beneath his cock was a darker orange mound whose surface looked velvet-soft.

And to top it all off was the infamous cock tail.

It was no longer writhing about and scaring human women out of beds, at least. As if recoiling from the trauma of me nearly yanking it clean off, it was tightly wrapped around the base of Fallon’s cock, looking completely innocuous, like an extra, rubbery ring of flesh.

“Sorry,” I breathed. I wasn’t sure if I was saying it more to Fallon or his poor, maligned dick tentacle.

“You do not have to – ah!” Fallon’s words were cut off by a ragged gasp when I leaned down and gently kissed the place where his cock tail merged with the base of his shaft.

“Did that hurt?” I whispered, my breath fanning over his dick. The muscles of his thighs were rock-hard beneath my hands. His cock twitched.

“No,” he said in a guttural voice. This time, I actually believed him.

But there was certainly no way he could be all better already.

Better kiss him again.

So I did. This time on the tip of his smooth orange head. I let the kiss linger a little, my tongue tentatively prodding at the dark slit of an opening there.

His shaft throbbed, the flesh swelling, the tip jerking against my lips as if wanting entrance. And I supposed that would be alright. That was what blow jobs actually were, right? Sucking dicks, not just kissing dicks.

Cupping one hand around Fallon’s rapidly hardening shaft (being careful not to squish the poor little cock tail) and bracing my other on his right thigh, I opened my mouth and gave him an experimental suck. If it weren’t for the shuddering snap of his hips trying to drive his cock further into my mouth, I almost would have thought I’d hurt him again based on the sound he made. It was a ripping sort of moan, harsh and mangled.

I worked my mouth lower onto him, noting every sharp intake of breath and hitch of his hips in response. My arousal from earlier came back with full, roaring force, flooding my pussy with heat. I established a sloppy rhythm, sucking up and down as far as I could go, while also gripping his shaft with one hand and tenderly stroking the curled-up cock tail with the other.

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