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“Not naked!” I snapped, giving another hard tug on his muscled, immobile arm.

“Why not?”

Oh my God. Kill me.

“Magnolia does not want to see your… your penis, that’s why!” I whisper-shouted. I didn’t need blankets or fires or hot rocks to warm me up. Pure embarrassment was doing that just fine now.

“Oh.” Fallon’s face buckled as he tipped his chin down. “Is there something wrong with it?”

Why, God? Why was this happening to me?

“Just sit beside me! Sit beside me right now or I’m going to go jump in that fucking creek again!”

That got my husband’s attention. His eyes, which had softened to warm brown, went white. Immediately, he sat, making the thin mattress sink with his weight. It was like saying “Down!” to a very well-trained dog. I chucked the quilt over his lap and legs just as Magnolia walked in with a mug of steaming liquid.

“Here you go,” she said as she circled the bed to my side. She placed the mug down on the wooden table nearby and then pulled out her temp gauge. After checking my ears, she beamed.

“You’re doing amazing. Your temperature has already risen!” she said, clearly pleased. I tried to mirror her happy face and decided not to tell her that this current surge of heat was being powered solely by frantic humiliation and sheer fucking stress. But she hadn’t burned herself on the tea, and Fallon hadn’t taken anybody’s unsuspecting eye out with his dick, so maybe everything would be alright after all.

“Thank you so much,” I said to her, eyeing Fallon from the side to make sure he hadn’t lost the quilt I’d so helpfully dumped on his lap. Luckily, he hadn’t. In fact, he seemed to be holding it in place now, as if he’d finally gotten it through his thick alien head that greeting a nice human lady with your alien Johnson just bouncing around in the breeze was absolutely not acceptable.

But despite my impression, it seemed Fallon wasn’t thinking about his nakedness or Magnolia’s feelings or propriety, because he fastened his intent white gaze on her face and asked,

“What do I need to know? To care for her through the night?”

“You don’t have to care for me through the night!” I groaned. I wasn’t some sad Old-Earth orphan with smog sickness. I was fine now. Mostly.

“It’s either he stays with you through the night to make sure you’re alright, or I do,” Magnolia challenged in a sterner voice than I’d ever heard her use before. She raised a black eyebrow.

After a moment, I nodded. I didn’t want her to lose sleep or be inconvenienced because of me. And I guessed Fallon had to sleep here, anyway. This was his bedroom, after all.

“She just needs to be kept warm,” Magnolia said to Fallon. “I’m not worried about her going to sleep now. If you could stay in the bed with her and share your body heat, that would be ideal.”

Sharing body heat? Would be ideal?

“Oh, I’m sure that isn’t necessary,” I said, balking, trying my darndest not to notice the way that Fallon was already eagerly sliding beneath the other layers of blankets on the bed and scooting ominously closer. “I have all those hot rocks in here!”

“They won’t stay hot all night,” Magnolia replied. “Besides, there’s a lot of evidence about skin-to-skin helping balance body temperature and leading to better hypothermia outcomes.”

I narrowed my gaze at her, trying to figure out if she was shitting me. But she just gazed straight back, steady and serene.

Skin-to-skin. Oh, God.

Fuck you, science.

“It is a good thing I have already removed all of my clothes!” Fallon said, sounding way too proud of himself. “I am ready to put my skin on your skin!”

“Um, actually, maybe you should stay,” I babbled as Magnolia moved towards the exit.

She looked like she was doing everything in her power not to laugh as she went through the door. Just before she closed it, she choked out, “I think you’re going to be just fine, Darcy.”



My wife did not seem amenable to the skin-to-skin treatment plan Magnolia had outlined. She stayed at the very edge of the bed, as far from me as she could get. As much as I did not want to go against her wishes, ensuring her health was my top priority. So I grasped her waist and did not stop pulling until I had her seated between my bare thighs.

“I was perfectly warm and comfy over there!” she protested as I wrapped one arm around her to keep her from escaping and used my other arm and tail to drag her long skirt up her body. Once her legs were bare, I plastered my own against them, caging her in with my limbs.

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