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“Not with my tail around you, you won’t.”

I chuckled and shook my head.

“Can you at least move out of the way? I was trying to decide where to put my present.”

Silar seemed to consider this and then finally stepped aside and around me. He moved in behind me, his tail still wrapped around my waist, his hands firm on my hips. My insides tightened with a trilling sort of joy when he lowered his chin to rest on the top of my head.

In the early morning quiet, we surveyed our home together.

“I think over there,” I finally said, breaking the comforting hush. “There’s a nice spot between the other fruit trees and that one patch of garden.”

Silar gave a rumble of agreement.

We lapsed back into silence as the sun rose higher and higher, sending its warm light down. Suddenly, Silar spoke again, this time on an entirely new subject.

“Will you tell the others?”

“Tell the others… Tell the other men, like Fallon, about your murder conviction?” I asked in confusion.

“No. They already know. We are all convicts.” He paused, his hands sliding in a distracting motion from my hips to my waist and back down again. “Will you tell the other human brides of our convict status before they arrive?”

“Oh… I haven’t had a chance to even think about that, yet.” I chewed on the inside of my cheek, mulling it over. “On the one hand, they really should know what they’re getting into. So that they can make an informed decision. But on the other…”


“On the other, they also deserve a chance to meet their grooms without too much bias. To get the chance to know them, even love them, the way I did with you.”

I didn’t even want to think about what would have happened if I’d learned about Silar’s past and decided not to marry him after all. I wouldn’t have gotten to fall in love with the best man I’d ever known.

“It’s all a bit of a moot point,” I eventually said. “I don’t have a way to contact them before their arrival, anyway. My comms tablet signal can only reach to other devices on this planet. If I want to contact someone off-world, I’d have to use the warden’s signal tower. And if he’s trying to conceal the criminal history of the men here, I doubt he’d let me do it.”

“I do not believe he is trying to conceal it,” Silar said thoughtfully. “He did not organize this program. The Empire did. He is only helping to facilitate it and has never once indicated that our brides would be in ignorance of our histories. I do not believe he even knows about this miscommunication.”

“Huh…” I absorbed Silar’s words, weighing them inside my head. Maybe he was correct. It had never seemed like the warden had purposely hidden anything from me in the short conversations I’d had with him. Maybe his one chat with Tasha had been the same way. He’d assumed she’d known, and so it had never really come up. “Actually… I think you may be right. I guess it’s the Empire concealing the details.”

I thought about the way the Empire was treating us, the human brides who apparently didn’t deserve to know who they were marrying, and the way they’d treated Silar, convicting him and sending him here at such a painfully young age.

“You know,” I said tartly, “that Empire of yours does a lot of stupid shit.”

“They sent me here,” Silar said without malice, his lips drifting down to brush my ear. “And they sent me you.” His fingers tightened on my waist, his cock thickening against my back. “I think I could forgive anything,” he added huskily, “so long as I have you.”

“Well, I can’t! I’m still mad at them,” I said. But there was no bite to my words. Silar was slowly grinding his erection against me, bending his knees until his hard shaft jutted against the curve of my ass. “But,” I said throatily, “I will concede that I am very, very happy they brought me here. Even if it was kind of under slightly false pretenses.”

Silar made a pleased sound at my words, then made an even more pleased sound when his hands rose to cup my breasts. I gasped, feeling my nipples instantly harden beneath his claiming touch. Need rose instantly, and I arched and pushed my ass against Silar’s arousal.

“Cherry,” he panted, his voice lust-thickened as he rubbed himself on me. I moaned in response, turning myself in his hold so that I could kiss him. His mouth met mine with hot urgency. It was like he was pouring every moment of doubt and desire he’d had since my arrival into my body.

Silar’s feet began to move, and I let him lead me, still sliding my tongue with blind abandon through his mouth. I gasped when I suddenly felt myself tipping backwards. My back hit the angled part of the roof and my eyes snapped open. Silar stood above me, blotting out the sun, snapping his belt open and shoving down his trousers. Wiggling against the warm roof at my back, I did the same thing, pushing my leggings down with a trembling franticness I barely recognized in myself.

Silar gripped his shaft, squeezing as he cast his gaze appreciatively down my body. His tail loosened from its place around my waist, the tip of it dipping between my legs until I squirmed. It slid back and forth over my clit, then gently probed inside, flicking and swirling while Silar jerked his needy cock. His white eyes never left me, roving greedily between my flushed face, my naked legs, and the place that his tail disappeared inside me.

Just as my insides fluttered, a tell-tale indication of climax, he slipped his tail out of my wet core. I whimpered in complaint, only to be swiftly stuffed with his cock. He bracketed the sides of my head with his forearms, supporting the fronts of his legs against the angled rooftop while he took up a possessive, thrusting rhythm.

“I… I’m going to…”

Silar palmed the side of my throat, holding my jaw with his fingertips, forcing my gaze up to his.

“Say it,” he hissed, almost savagely, his hips moving with feral, lawless need.

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