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OK. This is fine. I told myself, feeling a tiny splash of panic. It’s just another weird, more wiggly dick. Or a tentacle. Or a-

“You mean my cock tail?”

“Your… your cock tail?” I repeated, still gaping. “Cocktail means something very different where I come from.”

But now that he said it, it did look a lot like a tail. It was basically a miniature version of his other one. A slender, muscled rope that seemed to serve precisely zero purpose but was there all the same so I’d have to just figure it out.

It’s OK. I can work with this. A tiny dick tail is definitely better than a tentacle.

What exactly the difference between a dick tail and a dicktacle was in my brain, I couldn’t quite say, but I did immediately feel better just thinking about this bit of him as a smaller tail.

“You don’t have one?” Silar asked, sounding mystified.

“Do I have a teeny, tiny tail dangling from my nether regions? Um, no. Absolutely not. You just had your entire head between my legs! Didn’t you notice there was no tail there?”

“I thought that it was maybe coiled inside you somewhere…”

“Do Zabrian women have them?”

“I believe so. I had heard talk of that from other males. Before I left Zabria.”

“Huh,” I said. I placed my hands on Silar’s thighs, relishing the way his muscles snapped beneath my palms. I bent closer to his groin. “What purpose does it serve?”

“I think,” Silar said, his voice fraying at my proximity to his dick and the tight mound of his balls and the cock tail that was now darting forward as if trying to reach me, “I think it helps anchor the male. Inside. The tails wrap around each other.”

“Hold on. Isn’t that what we were supposed to do at the wedding? Only I didn’t have a big tail at the back?”


I snorted. “And you got all hot and bothered over a kiss. Meanwhile Zabrians all over the place are just casually wrapping their big tails around each other the way their little ones do during sex.”

“I…” Silar stammered helplessly, “I was surprised. The kiss… It felt very intimate. I had never touched my mouth to anyone like that before.”

Oh my God. He’s so cute I can’t fucking stand it.

Suddenly I couldn’t wait to blow the mind of this big, awkward, adorable, capable, powerful, idiot of an alien.

Starting by blowing his dick.

“Well, like I said, I don’t have a vagina tail for you to wrap around. But… here...” I offered my index finger, stroking it against the impossibly silky-smooth surface of the tiny tail. Instantly and instinctively, his small tail snapped like a whip, securing itself in a binding lasso around my finger. Silar’s hips hitched, his breath dissolving into a guttural growl. A small jet of liquid spurted from his cock, the mound beneath his shaft visibly squeezing.

“Does it feel that good already?” I breathed, undeniably turned on by Silar’s responses.

“Yes,” he panted. His cock tail squeezed my finger, tugging while his smoothly tapered golden shaft strained forwards. Heat flared inside me. He was right. It definitely seemed like this little tendril of flesh was trying to anchor itself to me so that his cock could be buried deeper inside.

I left my finger at the mercy of his desperately clenching tail, lowered myself, then kissed the glistening tip of his dick.

The cock tail coiled hard against my knuckle. Silar’s muscles turned to stone, every tendon in his body snapping to rigid attention. The dark mound squeezed again, and I palmed the hot heft of it with my free hand, sliding my lips over his tip to create a tight seal of suction. At the first hot suck, my mouth filled with fluid. I gurgled in surprise, swallowing the first spurts of it down. The taste was oddly pleasant, sweetly spiced, like something between cinnamon and mint.

But there was way too much to swallow. Eventually, I had to pull my mouth off his cock, regretfully letting some of the shimmering stuff ooze out of my mouth back onto his tip.

“You’re still hard,” I whispered, watching with lurid awe as the pale semen dripped down his tense, veiny organ. Using the slick fluid as lube, I began to jerk him firmly, gasping, nipples tightening, when another jet of fluid was wrung out of him.

Silar’s cock tail pulsed insistently against my finger, pulling harder and harder as I squeezed and stroked him. My throat went dry while my pussy grew even more wet.

“Do you want your cock inside me?”

Silar’s eyes had been screwed shut. But they opened, a tiny crack letting out bright white light.

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