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“Yes! Don’t you get cold, Mister No-Shirt-Man?”

“Not in this weather, no.”

“OK. Well. I do! I was just wondering if you had any extra blankets or anything.”

“I do not.”

Well. That’s just peachy.

“Alright,” I said with a brittle smile, internally screaming at the thought of going back to shivering alone in that bed. “Do you um… By any chance… Do you not sleep very much?”

Silar stilled. Which was impressive, because it wasn’t like he was moving much to begin with.


“I was just wondering when you might come to bed.” I leaned forward a little and quivered when I felt the heat radiating out from his bare chest. “You could help warm me up.”

Holy Terra. That sounded dirty.

“Not in a weird way!” I cried. “Unless… Unless that’s what you were thinking? I mean, I am your wife after all, and… and…”

Shut up Cherry. Shut up, shut up, shut up!

If Silar was aware of my brain completely short-circuiting inside my skull, he was good enough not to mention it. He merely asked, “You require a heat source to sleep?”

“When it’s this cold? Yes! It doesn’t have to be you,” I added hurriedly, dreading the thought of him turning me down. “You could show me how to light a fire in the oven to heat up the house.”

“I only burn a constant fire in deep winter. I’ve run through most of my winter lumber and would have to cut new logs to have enough supply to burn the fire at night consistently. I will do it for you. But it will not help you tonight.” His eyes flashed white. He blinked and turned them away from me, almost as if trying to hide it. “The heat you require, I will provide.”

“Thank you,” I said, shifting from foot to foot. It was colder out here than it had been inside and now that I was standing still, I was really starting to feel it again. “Can we… Can we go now?” I shivered. “Are you ready?”

He didn’t say yes or no. He just said, “Let’s go.”



Cherry bounded back into the house and went straight for the bedroom. She crawled onto the bed, curling herself into a tiny, trembling ball. I followed and sat uneasily on the edge of the bed, unsure of what to do next. Would simply sitting here provide enough heat for her to sleep?

Apparently not. She was holding the blanket open for me, grimacing as if it caused her pain to do so, and hissing at me to “Lie down!”

My body obeyed her before my mind could catch up. As if she’d tugged on a rope somewhere in the vicinity of my spine, I fell back against the mattress. I cursed myself internally, realizing I still wore my boots, and I kicked them off and onto the floor. Removing my boots without using my hands distracted me for a moment, and I did not at first notice the way that Cherry instantly flung the blanket and scarf over both of us before crowding her soft little body against mine.

Stiffness slammed through me. Every part of me. Muscles, joints…


“Sorry,” she said in a husky whisper, even as she wiggled impossibly closer. It was as if my tiny human wife was trying to burrow inside me. Her fluttery fingers sought heat, skimming over my chest and making my breath hitch. “Sorry,” she said again. But perhaps she did not mean it, because she did not move away.

I did not want her to mean it.

“Don’t apologize,” I told her, for the second time that day. “I will provide you what you need.”

Even if it meant I did not get a moment’s sleep because of it. I certainly wouldn’t. Not like this. Not with my chest heaving as if I’d just wrestled a rogue bull into submission. My body burned. My cock stood hot, hard, and at attention, a bulging post beneath the blanket that I was fairly certain – at least, I hoped – that the darkness concealed.

Cherry would not want me to lie beside her like this if she only knew how my body was already responding to her. She was suffering, meanwhile all I could think about was what it would feel like if those little fingers drifted downwards. Down, down until she brushed them over the tightest point of my pants, feeling the engorged heat of my –

“Why do your eyes do that?”

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