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Well… I’d just have to cross that bridge when I got to it. But I wasn’t about to idly sit by and watch Silar make dumbass decisions about his health just so I could keep my scarf clean.

“I may not know much about Zabrian marriages. Or even human marriages,” I admitted quietly as I returned to my place between Silar’s spread legs and placed my scarf gently over his ears. “But I do know that you’re more important than some scrap of fabric.”

I tugged gently on the scarf before tying it in a bow beneath his chin. Satisfied with my handiwork and trying to ignore how hilariously cute he looked with the scarf arranged along his hard jaw the way an old lady would wear one, I nodded once. He stared back at me in white-eyed silence.

“Next time,” I told him with a soft smile, “We’ll get some real bandages.”

I had a funny feeling that this big, quiet, alien dope was going to need them.

I had a feeling he’d needed them for a long, long time.



Cherry’s face was very close to mine.

So were her lips.

Small. Soft. Pink. And just a little damp where she had licked them while tying the scarf beneath my chin.

I wondered if humans only ever did the kiss ritual at weddings. I did not see how we could have another wedding so that I could repeat the experience. But maybe they also did the kiss thing at other important ceremonies, like funerals. I found myself rather foolishly hoping that someone might die soon so that I could find out. Maybe Zohro. No one would miss him. It would be worth it.

I remembered the way she’d pressed her mouth to mine. How entirely stunned I’d been in response.

How aroused.

How I’d had to turn right from the room and douse myself in cold water just to feel halfway myself again.

It was very likely a sign of impending insanity that I wanted to repeat such a disconcerting experience.

I wanted to do it anyway.

I also wanted, very suddenly and very badly, to shove my tongue into her mouth.

Terrified that Cherry might somehow read that new and shockingly perverse desire on my face, I immediately stood, forcing her to take a large step back. I reached around her for my hat, holding it in front of my groin in a manner I feared might become all too natural to me now that she was here. But I did not see any other option, as I’d been half-hard from the moment she’d touched my ears and the thought of stroking my tongue along the hot, mysteriously human surfaces inside her mouth was not helping.

At least I would not need to wear my hat on my head for the time being, since she’d ignored me when I’d told her not to use her pretty scarf and my skin would now be well protected. The red garment was snugly fitted against my injured ears. It was very soft.

It smelled like her.

And now my cock was so hard I could have hung my blasted hat upon it if I’d wanted to.

Light-headed, white-eyed, and with most of my body’s blood currently throbbing through my groin, I wondered how long I could last like this before my heart or my brain or some other vital part of my body simply gave up, gave out. I thought it unnervingly possible that I could make my wife a widow before the first human month of our marriage had even come to pass.

I snapped my tail up against the hook at the back of my belt, grunted something that might have been a word at her though I wasn’t entirely sure, and headed right back out the door.

I spent the rest of the day catching up on lost time. I repaired spots on the fences, looked for signs of predatory genka beyond my property, checked on the health of the pregnant cattle and as evening fell, milked the lactating ones. I returned to the house at sundown, carrying buckets of milk meant for the cellar.

I found Cherry in the kitchen. She started when I came in the door, and I grimaced. I’d been alone for so long. There had never been any reason to try to quiet my steps or announce my presence before.

But she was not alarmed for long. She flashed me a dizzying smile and gestured to two plates – my only two plates – on the counter beside the sink.

“I made dinner! Or, I scavenged for it, anyway. I hope it’s alright that I took stuff out of that cellar down there.”

“Of course,” I said. “It’s your cellar now.”

Her cheeks darkened. I did not know what that meant.

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