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Holy hills of Terra.

That was the kind of cock that would either make a girl fall to her knees and thank her lucky stars… Or say her fucking prayers. And as I’d only been with two human men before, both with what I assumed had to be perfectly acceptable, average-sized human dicks, I counted myself in the latter category, my mouth going ash-dry and my tummy tightening with a tingly sort of dread when I thought about actually getting something that big inside me.

Even in his presumably relaxed state, the organ wasn’t totally limp and floppy. It was slightly stiff, that same golden colour as the rest of him, arching out and down away from the taut V-shape of his groin and poised above a sizeable, sac-like mound that I supposed was the Zabrian version of balls but less… dangly.

I placed my hands on the window sill and leaned forward until my nose was smooshed up against the dusty glass. I’d given up all pretense about pretending I wasn’t spying now, but hey, a girl needed to know what she was in for! My husband was packing what could easily be considered a murder weapon in most galactic jurisdictions, and I figured it was just plain irresponsible not to try to get a better look now. This was for my own future health and general genital safety, damnit!

Only problem was that besides knowing that it was big, gold, and made of firm flesh, I couldn’t suss out any other details. Now that Silar had tossed down the hose and used his tail to twist the tap off, he’d turned away from me once more to grab at his trousers, lifting them from the ground and beating them ferociously with his tail. Dust rose like plumes of thick smoke as his tail snapped against the garment over and over, and once he was satisfied (or maybe once he’d just given up on ever getting his pants completely clean) he pulled them back on. His tail twisted itself around the knob on the back of his belt while he yanked on his boots. He swept up his hat in his dark claws, straightened, put it atop his head, turned, then froze.

Even with the shadow cast by the brim of his hat, I could easily see his eyes. They were such a bright white that they actually glowed. Which made it painfully, terribly obvious that they were now laser-focused on the window. Or, to be specific, the annoying Peeping Tom of a human with her nose pressed to the glass like a greedy kid at a shop’s display. Was there a female version of a Peeping Tom? Peeping Tina? Peeping Tory? Peeping Too-Bad-Your-Alien-Fiance-Is-About-To-Send-Your-Human-Ass-Straight-Back-Because-He-Just-Discovered-What-An-Idiot-You-Are?

Oh God. I was supposed to be on my best behaviour. I was supposed to be charming him. Winning him. I couldn’t afford to make a bad impression, and I was pretty sure the one I’d made wasn’t just bad, it was catastrophic. And now he was going to change his mind and send me away and I’d get my stupid self dumped in a frigid lake by the Magnus mafia.

I had to turn this around.

I tried to smile, but realized too-late my nose was still crushed up against the glass. Which meant I probably looked fucking insane. I snatched my head back, silently dying inside when I noticed the oily smudge-mark I’d left behind on the glass. Praying that my husband-to-be was not the most astute of men and that he hadn’t noticed it – or any of the other dumb shit I’d done so far – I smiled again and gave him a jaunty wave.

“Hi! I’m Cherry! I’m – Oh, fuck me. The window is closed.”

I kept my harried smile plastered on my face as I started hunting around for a way to open the window, babbling all the while.

“I wasn’t… Well, I was… But I didn’t really mean to. At least at first. I’m sorry about that. Anyway, I’m just trying to figure out how to open this window so I can talk to you. They told me your translator should be up to date. Although maybe it’s better if it isn’t because then you won’t know how much absolute fucking nonsense is coming out of my mouth right now.”

In a moment of frustrated panic, I placed my hands flat on the square of the window and pushed hard, but all that gave me was sore wrists. Silar still stood there staring at me from outside, close enough that I’d be able to reach out and touch him if it weren’t for the glass between us.

And close enough, it turned out, for him to reach over, pull at some unseen latch, and open that impossible window without taking a single step.

I hadn’t realized how much the dust on the window had been distorting my view of him. With the dirty glass gone and nothing but empty air between us, Silar came into even more shocking and vivid focus, the golds and the blues and the bright, crackling whites of his eyes searing into me.

He didn’t say a word.

Alright, I thought, nerves snaking through my belly, let’s try this again.

“Hi,” I said, lifting my chin and doing my darnedest to smile into the fearsome heat of that white gaze. “I’m Cherry. I’m… I’m here to be your bride.”

Absurdly, even though I knew it wasn’t a Zabrian custom, I lifted my hand to shake, thrusting it out the window at him.

It took him a while to even notice my hand. When he finally did so, he reached out and grasped it in a firm, calloused grip. I practically cried out with relief, thinking that the gesture had to be a good sign.

Except he didn’t stay like that for long. He wasn’t trying to shake or even hold my hand. He simply pushed my hand back inside the room so that it wouldn’t be in the way when he closed the window. Which he immediately did. The glass thwunked back into place with terrible, dusty finality.

And then Silar turned his finely-sculpted golden ass right around and walked away.

Well. That was that, then. I’d fucked things up so royally he was apparently done with me before we’d even said, “I do.” I whirled around just in time to see Warden Tenn stepping up onto the porch and heading towards the open door into the office.

“If he doesn’t want me-” I started to say.

The warden froze in the doorway and frowned at my words. “If he doesn’t… What?”

“Then I’ll marry someone else,” I continued without pausing to take a breath. “Anyone else. It doesn’t matter who.” I knew I sounded desperate, but I was. Humiliatingly, I could feel tears biting at the backs of my eyes. If Silar didn’t want me there had to be some other lonely alien cowboy in this colony who’d be willing to take in a Peeping Tina on-the-run like me. Right!?

The fact that Silar wouldn’t be that man, that he’d so summarily rejected me already and that it actually kind of stung, didn’t matter. I’d take anyone. And if whoever that was didn’t look like he was carved out of a precious metal, well, that would just be too bad for me now wouldn’t it? Shouldn’t have scared Silar off, my literally golden chance at salvation.

I stared at Warden Tenn miserably, willing myself not to cry and expecting with every throttling beat of my heart to hear the sound of rapid hooves carrying Silar far, far away.

But that wasn’t what I heard next. There were no frantic hoofbeats disappearing into the dusty distance.

No, the next sound I heard was the heavy thud of a very big alien wearing very big boots stepping up onto the wood planks of the porch outside…

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