Page 69 of The Jefe's Boy

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I turned to face my grandfather, clasping my hands together in front of me so he wouldn't see how much they were shaking. "Grandfather, shouldn't you be at your charity event?"

He was hosting the damn thing.

"You expect me to attend a charity event after something like this?" the man snapped as he spun around. "It's all over the news, Delancy. I'm already getting calls from the board of directors."

I dropped my head for a moment, the shaft of pain in my chest stealing my breath. I knew my grandfather loved me. He hadn't even blinked when I told him I was gay. But just once, it would be nice if he believed in me, too.

"You are getting calls from your board of directors, so you just had to rush over here and what?" I glanced up. "Make sure I was okay after my brush with death? To check and see if I had any injuries? If I was traumatized by the whole incident?" I narrowed my eyes. "That is why you are here, isn't it?"

My grandfather's sigh was heavy and serious. "I can see you are fine, Delancy. There is no need for all this drama."

"Drama? You want to see drama?" I spun around and headed for the doorway. "Come with me."

I gestured for Hugo to follow.

When I reached the foray, I stopped and pointed to the black and white marble tile. "This is where a man I have never met before broke into my house and assaulted me." I gestured to my swollen, bruised face. "In case you didn't see it, this is what he did to me before my bodyguard shot him. That was about five hours ago."

Give or take an hour.

I continued walking, making my way down the corridor to the study. I wasn't sure my grandfather had followed me until I turned around to face him.

"About thirty minutes ago, this is where I hid behind the couch as someone shot out our windows. I'm not trying to be too dramatic here, but they were trying to kill my husband."

I wasn't about to tell him that we had a safe room or what I was doing in there with my laptop. There were some things my grandfather didn't need to know.

"I spent a few minutes hiding under my new husband while someone tried to kill us and another twenty minutes hiding in a room while he went out to catch whoever it was, not knowing if he was alive or dead, or if someone else was coming after us."

I narrowed my eyes, my patience at an end. "Is that enough drama for you?"

My grandfather was as pale as a ghost. "Delancy, what is going on here?"

I glanced at Hugo to make sure I wasn't crossing any boundaries I shouldn't. When the man nodded, I almost gave a shout of glee.

"It's real simple, Grandfather. When you forced me to get married in the hopes that it would end my antics, you married me to a mobster." I walked forward until I was standing right in front of the man. "And you know that old friend of yours, the one you made that stupid pact with? Not only is he a mobster, but he's the one trying to kill us."

My grandfather stared shaking his head. "No, no, Roberto wouldn't do that."

"He would, actually," Alejandro said as he walked into the room. There was an older man with him. Alejandro walked over to stand at my side. "Roberto Díaz was born into the mafia just as I was. He runs Columbia. I run Brooklyn. He wants my half-brother to run Brooklyn, which is why he is trying to kill us."

"Believe the boy, Matisse," the older man said.

My grandfather's jaw dropped. "Delarosa?"

"Long time no see." He smiled at my grandfather before holding a hand out to me. "Marcus Delarosa."

I had no idea who this man was, but Alejandro seemed almost afraid of him. I decided to play nice and shook his hand. "Delancy Díaz."

"Marcus is one of my overseers from Spain. He flew in tonight to help us deal with Dante and my grandfather."

My face flushed. "I might have messed with Dante's arrest record a little bit."

Alejandro's lips spread into a grin. "What did you do?"

"I ordered him to have a psychological evaluation and no bail. He won't be getting out for awhile."

Alejandro grinned and pressed a kiss to my temple. "That's my querido."

"How did you know how to do that?" my grandfather asked.

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