Page 42 of The Jefe's Boy

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"They can help with some of your less than legal operations."

I grimaced at that. "I'm not sure how I feel about bringing more people into this, Delancy. Trust is very hard for me."

"And in your business, it should be. Luckily for you, the people I am thinking about don't have issues with skirting the edge of the law as long as they are not dealing in human trafficking, and you said you don't want to do that."

"I don't, and I won't be involved with anyone that does. I've seen the devastation that is left behind when someone is forced into human slavery, and I want no part of it."


"I don't see how this is going to help you, though. You still need to get your name in the news so no one figures out what you are really doing."

Delancy's grin was full of mischief. "Oh, I have a plan for that. In fact, you gave it to me."

What plan and why did that make me nervous?

"I did?"

"You mentioned how in America people expect others to settle down once they are married."

I vaguely remember saying that.

"Since the world expects me to settle down into married life, we're going to let them think that you tamed me. Don't worry, the only time they will see you is when we are going out for a night on the town, attending a charity event, or something my grandfather cooked up."

"How will that help?"

"We're going to be the world's most romantic couple, working our way to sainthood through philanthropy."

"Come again?"

"You need a good reputation, one that people won't look to deeply into if you are in the news. It also helps to have a good reputation if anyone ever points a finger at you."

"I am still so lost."

Delancy chuckled. "Dealing with the media is kind of my forte. I know how to work them to get what I want. I even have a few of them on speed dial. I call them up, tell them where I am, and they show up and put me in the news. With me so far?"

Not really, but I nodded my head anyway.

"Start your security company with the help of my friends. Believe me, you are going to want them on your payroll. Not only can they help you with your business, but they can keep your name out of dicey things and help create a persona that reflects whoever we want it to be."

The puzzle pieces were slowly starting to come together.

Very slowly.

Chapter Fourteen

~ Delancy ~

"This might actually work," Alejandro said. "I still have to deal with Martinez, but—"

"Okay, who is Martinez?" Delancy asked. "You've mentioned him a few times."

"Juan Martinez. He's been in charge of Brooklyn for the last fifteen years. According to my grandfather, he wants to retire and return to Columbia, but I have reason to believe he is part of my grandfather's plan to get me out of the picture and he's just waiting for me to fail before taking Brooklyn back. In fact, we're not even sure if he's left the city."

Delancy's eyes rounded. "That is what you and Hugo were talking about in the car."

I nodded. "We think that Martinez simply moved out of his place and that he is hiding somewhere here in the city. We also think he is going to try and run things here from behind the scenes."

I thought quickly and then came up with an idea. "You said all my stuff had been packed up and moved here. Did that include my laptop?"

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