Page 47 of Terribly Tristan

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God. That was practically still dawn. Although it did mean that Leo had probably been back from his run for hours and was currently doing something else adorably domestic, like the laundry.

No, Tristan remembered. He was out getting a haircut in preparation for tonight. Tristan knew this, because he’d made the appointment for him with Valli, his own hair guy, horrified when Leo had mentioned dropping into a Supercuts.

He still had so much to teach Leo. After all, since he was saving so much money by prolonging the life of his socks by folding them, he could afford to drop more than thirty bucks on a decent hair stylist. His curls could look so good, if only he’d put them in talented hands.

There was a parallel there somewhere with Leo’s arse and it being at its best in Tristan’s hands, but Tris was too under-caffeinated to fully make it.

He got up and staggered into the kitchen to fix that.

Leo, because he was the best boyfriend in the world, owned a decent coffee machine. Okay, maybe he owned it because he liked good coffee, but the fact remained that it was just one more thing Tristan lo—liked about him.

Tristan might have been a boyfriend novice, but even he knew it was too early to start thinking any L-word apart from like. Even if the warm, tingling feeling in his chest told him he was deluding himself. The whole process, from meeting Leo, to fooling around with Leo, to being exclusive with Leo, had happened so quickly and smoothly that why couldn’t it be love? Tristan wasn’t going to say it, of course, not even to himself, but why couldn’t it be?

Although, if it could be, and it was, why not say it?

His coffee woke him up, but it didn’t do much to unmuddle his thoughts. He liked Leo—both he and the argumentative voice in his head agreed on that—but anything bigger than that, he’d table for the future.

“I’m shutting it down,” he told the voice in his head as he sipped his second coffee. “I’m not going to blurt it out yet. It’s not happening.”

He almost immediately fucked that up though, when Leo came home with fresh coffee scrolls. His boyfriend was perfect.

“Are you okay?” Leo asked him curiously.

“I am marvellous,” Tristan assured him, biting into his coffee scroll. “And you are adorable with that haircut. Valli is a god.”

It wasn’t quite what he wanted to say, but Leo smiled and blushed, so Tristan figured that for now, it was good enough.

He reached out and ran his fingers through Leo’s curls. “Look at this. They’re so shiny and bouncy. You look like a shampoo commercial.”

“Not quite long enough to do the over-the-shoulder hair flick like you can.”

“Because I’m worth it,” Tristan said, and gave him a demo. He rubbed his thumb down Leo’s neck. “Oh, you’ve got some little bits stuck on you. I hate that.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna jump in the shower,” Leo said. “Which will ruin whatever Valli did, probably.”

“How do you have these gorgeous curls, and nobody ever taught you how to treat them right?” Tristan pecked him on the lips. “Come on, babe. I’ve got enough product to start my own salon. I’ll wash your hair for you.”

Leo froze, a half-smile on his face. “What, really? You’d do that?”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?” Tristan said. “And afterwards I’ll style it for you so everyone else can see how gorgeous you are.”

“Why do I feel like I’ve been sucked into an episode of Queer Eye?” Leo said, his smile relaxing into something more natural.

Tristan laughed. “No, babe. You’re already hot. I just like the idea of getting you all wet and soapy.” It was more than that, though. He wanted to take care of Leo, to run his fingers down the nape of his neck, to caress him as he worked his fingers through the strands of his hair, to make him feel treasured and special and adored.

If they happened to fuck as well, that was just a bonus.

Tristan reached out and brushed at the loose hairs on Leo’s collar. “Come on. Let’s go and get you wet, and then I’ll make you pretty.”

Leo grinned, took Tristan’s hand, and led him towards the bathroom, stopping on the way to discard his clothes in the laundry basket. Leo wasn’t the sort of person to drop his clothes just anywhere, even if he was getting naked in the shower with someone. It was just another cute quirk of his. Tristan hadn’t even made it as far as wearing clothes, so he only had to slip out of his kimono and hang it on the back of the bathroom door. He started the water running and contemplated his haircare collection as he waited for the water to warm up. He was distracted by Leo slipping his arms around him from behind and leaning his head on Tristan’s shoulder. It was startling how quickly he’d come to recognise the curves and planes of Leo’s body where he was pressed against him and to crave it. Who knew that one person could be so intoxicating?

He turned in Leo’s grip and stole a quick kiss before tugging him under the hot water. Thankfully Leo had one of those shower heads that was the size of a small planet so neither of them had to stand shivering outside the spray, and even better, the height was adjustable, so Tristan didn’t have to duck to get under the water. He placed his hands on Leo’s hips and turned him so they were facing, and took a moment just to soak up the gorgeous picture Leo made with his head tilted back into the spray, his eyes closed and lips slightly parted. Tristan reached out and dragged his fingertips through Leo’s curls, making sure his hair was properly wet. He picked up his shampoo and drizzled some onto his hand. Leo let out a moan that was almost pornographic as Tristan massaged his scalp and teased the shampoo into a lather, careful to avoid tangling the strands. “Fuck, that feels good. You’re almost as good as Valli.”

“Only almost?” Tristan asked, running his thumbs down the nape of Leo’s neck.

“Well, he’s a professional.”

Tristan tilted Leo’s head so it was under the water again and rinsed the shampoo out before applying his special salon-brand conditioner, even though Leo’s curls were already silky to the touch. Normally Tristan wouldn’t share it, because it was hellishly expensive, but it was different with Leo.

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