Page 25 of Terribly Tristan

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Maybe they could date for real.

Chapter Ten

Leo awoke much earlier than he’d expected. It was barely light outside. Half the blame was probably down to the unfamiliar bed—the other half was squarely on the unfamiliar guy underneath him. Somehow in the middle of the night they’d unspooned, and Tristan had rolled over onto his back. Leo had apparently followed him. He was lying on his side, his head resting on Tristan’s shoulder, his arm flung over his chest and his leg hooked over him. Tristan’s arm was around him, and he was…he was petting Leo’s nape gently?

Leo shifted, rolling away from him so that he could prop himself up onto an elbow.

Tristan blinked at him. “Morning.”

“Morning.” Leo twisted around looking for his pants, which would hopefully have his phone in the pocket, which would tell him what time it actually was. It might have been Sunday, but Leo had things to do. Not very interesting things, but necessary things. He had to cook all this week’s work lunches and freeze them, because he’d read an article about how much money he could save in a year if he stopped buying his lunch every day. So far, he was only five weeks into the experiment, and he was pretty sure the benefit of saving a few thousand dollars a year was coming at the cost of losing his will to live. “What time is it? And were you stroking my hair?”

“About seven,” Tristan said. “And is there a non-creepy way to answer that second question?”

Leo laughed, his face heating up. “It’s cute.”

“That’s me,” Tristan said, with a smile that seemed a little wonky and unsure of itself. “Cute.”

It was true. Like this, with his hair loose and unkempt and his face still bearing traces of sleep, he looked softer, somehow vulnerable, and Leo got the feeling that he was seeing the real Tristan for the first time, rather than his rent-boy persona.

He winced internally and wondered if thinking of Tristan as a rent boy made him a bad person. Except, that was what Tristan was. Acknowledging it didn’t make Leo judgemental. It just made him a realist. Any issues Leo had with it were his problem, not Tristan’s. Right now he honestly couldn’t bring himself to care, because Tristan was gorgeous, and Leo wanted more of him.

Leo leaned in impulsively, cupped Tristan’s face, and kissed him. Tristan made a surprised sound, but then he was into the kiss and wrapping his arms around Leo’s shoulders and pulling him closer. Leo went with it, enjoying the brush of warm skin against his and the tickle of Tristan’s leg hair against his thigh. Leo had been planning on ignoring his morning wood, but Tristan was sporting a pretty solid case of his own, and he slid his hands down to Leo’s arse and tugged at him until Leo was sprawled across him, their bodies plastered together. He pulled back from the kiss and gave Leo a smile that was much more like his usual smirk. “Wanna get off?” He rolled his hips and the hard line of his cock brushed against Leo’s own erection, making Leo’s nerve endings sizzle and his hips buck forward chasing more.

“Yeah,” Leo breathed out, just in case there had been any doubt.

Tristan hummed and rocked up against him and Leo ground right back, because apparently his body was just going to do wherever the fuck it wanted. Case in point, when had his hand gotten tangled in Tristan’s hair and pulled his head back like that? Still, it left Leo with a gorgeous long stretch of throat to pepper kisses against, so he went ahead and did that while he rolled his hips and his cock throbbed in response to the intoxicating little gasps Tristan was making.

“Wait,” Tristan said urgently. He wiggled sideways and snagged some lube off the bedside drawers. He propped himself on his elbows just long enough to squirt some into his hand, then he was arranging them so they were pressed close again. This time he wrapped a broad, slippery palm around their dicks, and it felt fucking phenomenal—and that was even before he began to move, jerking them off in a series of short, desperate strokes that were just the right side of too rough and utterly fucking perfect.

“Shit,” Leo hissed. Tristan let out a breathless laugh and kissed him. Leo got lost in the sensation of teeth and tongues and skin on skin, and his cock throbbed as his climax came racing toward him with hardly any warning. He barely managed to gasp out “Tris!” before he shot his load, his toes curling with the sheer intensity of it.

Tristan gave a couple more strokes before he tensed and grunted, then he was coming as well, which would have made Leo feel better about his own hair trigger, except he was currently incapable of giving a fuck. Instead, he just rode the aftershocks, letting the tremors run through him as his entire body slumped and he took shallow, shaky breaths and waited to regain some sort of control over his body.

Jesus, Tristan was amazing at this. Actually, Tristan was amazing, full stop. Leo lifted his head from where he’d buried it in the side of Tristan’s throat only to find Tristan staring at the ceiling with a fucked-out smile on his face, and honestly, Leo could relate.

He wondered if he could lose IQ points through his dick, because he definitely felt less intelligent than he had previously.

Worth it.

Once he’d caught his breath, Leo rolled off to the side.

“So,” Tristan said, leaning out of bed just far enough to grab a crumpled T-shirt and using it to clean them up, “that was amazing.”


Leo was surprised to feel warm fingers entwining with his, Tristan’s touch gentle. It was nice, and not what he’d expected at all. There was something almost fragile in Tristan’s tone when he said, “Um. I was thinking, we could maybe do it again? The date thing? And the sex, obviously, because Jesus, that was mind-blowing. But mainly we could, um. Date? As a couple?”

Leo turned his head to find Tristan watching him and wearing a small, tentative smile. He knew he should say no for the sake of his parents, but the problem was that he didn’t want to say no. He didn’t want to care about the optics of his dad’s as-yet non-existent campaign.

Just for once, he wanted to stop caring what his parents thought, and he wanted to keep the gorgeous guy lying next to him, whatever his mother and her friends might think.

He must have been quiet too long because Tristan’s smile was growing dimmer by the second. “Unless you don’t want?—”

“No, I want,” Leo interrupted. “I want very much. I mean yes. Again. Please.”

The smile came back in full force, lighting up Tristan’s face like a Christmas tree. “Really?”

“Really,” Leo said, and smiled broadly at Tristan’s delight. “I’d like to date you.”

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