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Only when I heard her footsteps echoing further away did I release a shaky breath. I think she’s mad at you, I projected to Shiri.

My sister shrugged, smirking. She’ll get over it.

I hope so, I answered, though I wasn’t reassured. After all, she’s been holding a troll-sized grudge against her mate for almost twenty-four years.


COLD WIND WHIPPED MY hair into my face as I held Marius’s hand, squinting into the sunset while the monster Northern Shore waves battered the other side of the wall, occasionally spraying freezing mist on us. My sister sat upon her demonic horse, blood dripping off his fanged maw as she barked orders at a line of aerial soldiers.

We had made it into Windhaven without incident, Malvolia’s forces having taken over the city. Well, all but Kyan’s Temple. The witch sanctuary was protected by armed guards who were witches themselves. Malvolia had wisely decided so long as the temple witches didn’t harm us, we would leave them be. We had set up along the Windhaven battlements, the long seawall that was shared by all three countries, divided by massive turrets that also served as lookouts. Our soldiers had given the all clear, so now we were preparing to fly into Caldaria’s capital city of Peloponese and take over. A foreboding feeling curled up my spine, for Derrick was leading the army.

My mate. My protector. My world.

He was leaving us to go into a city that Malvolia had reassured us was abandoned. But what if it wasn’t? What if this was a trap set by the demons?

I licked my dry and cracked lips, worry gnawing a hole in my gut while eyeing the witches in Malvolia’s coven. My gaze shifted to the one in the gray cloak with the feather yoke they called Lady Veronica. The witch who could supposedly see into the future. I didn’t like the way she chewed her lower lip, her gaze shifting from the soldiers back to the Caldarian flags being battered by the wind in the distance. The green witch standing next to her slipped her hand in hers as if to calm her.

She knew something. She had seen a dark omen, I was sure of it.

My gut churned when the soldiers strapped on their breastplates and prepared to fly. I broke from Marius and ran between them, pushing muscles and feathers out of my way, ignoring my mate when he called me back.

Derrick! I called to my other mate through thought, my cry laced with urgency. Though we’d already said our goodbyes, I had to see him again. I had to stop him.

Derrick spun around, his eyes wide with surprise, my name on his lips.

Ignoring my sister’s eye roll, I flung myself into Derrick’s arms. Don’t go! I clung to him as if he would vanish into the ocean mists if I released him.

He pulled me against his warm chest, wrapping his wings around my back while kissing my forehead. I have to, darling.

No, you don’t. I pulled back, desperately searching his eyes. This isn’t your war.

I hated the look he gave me, as if I was a penniless beggar to be pitied. This is everyone’s war.

I shook my head, tears stinging my eyes. She isn’t your queen.

I don’t do this for her. He rubbed warmth into my shoulders, his gaze softening. I do this for you and Marius, for our children and grandchildren.

The gray witch is scared. I nodded in Lady Veronica’s direction.

Because she has been trying to see today’s outcome in her mists all night and has seen nothing. But surely that’s a good thing, he said, the note of confidence in his voice sounding forced. If it was bad, she would’ve seen something.

I gritted my teeth. I don’t believe her.

He arched a brow. Why would she lie?

I don’t know. Don’t go. I tightened my hold on him. We don’t know what this demon king is capable of.

His smile reminded me of the Derrick of our youth, the young duke who had not a worry in the world, save for finding new ways to seduce me. He opened his wings, fanning them out as his eyes flared. He won’t stand a chance against our aerial army and Malvolia. She will turn him to ash.

I tensed, thinking of all the times we had been wrong about our future. We had once believed Malvolia would never try to kill us. We had once believed Thorin to be my friend. You’re too confident.

His boyish smile made my heart break again and again. And you’re not confident enough. I love you. Then he wrapped me up in a cocoon again and kissed me hard, though it was over far too soon. I’ll return to you soon, he said with a wink before looking at something behind me. Guard her well, brother. I gasped when he spun me into Marius’s arms.

Marius wrapped me in a tight hug, pressing my arms to my sides. With my life.

I tried to struggle out of Marius’s embrace, but he had regained much of his strength these past few days. I finally gave up, my body going limp as I watched Derrick move to the head of the army, standing beneath the shadow of Malvolia’s frightening horse.

But Derrick appeared unafraid as he winked at me once more.

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