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“I didn’t know if you wanted us to ride you,” I answered her.

She arched a scaled brow. Why didn’t you ask?

“You call Radnor Helian’s pet for letting Helian ride him,” Tari said, a touch of irritation in her voice.

Isa turned up her chin, glaring down at Tari over her horned snout. Helian is the spawn of a worm. You are goddesses. It is my honor to carry you.

“Helian is my mate.” Tari frowned, resting a hand on her abdomen. “And I carry his child.”

I suspected Isa loathed Helian more because he was bonded to Radnor and not because he was Fachnan’s son, though I kept my opinions to myself.

I know that, Isa snapped before flashing a fanged grin. The satyrs have been working night and day to craft a saddle for two. It would be a shame to waste it.

Well, at least Isa was trying to appease Tari, despite the monster-sized grudge she carried for Radnor and Helian.

Tari and Ash whispered to one another before she turned to Isa with a smile. “Alright.”

Alright? My knees turned to porridge as I looked up at the dragoness. “It would be an honor to ride you, Isa, though I must admit I don’t know the first thing about riding a dragon.”

I recalled my horrific flight on the back of Malvolia’s demon horse, Mortimus, and how my thighs ached for days. If riding a dragon was anything like riding a demon horse, I was in no mood to repeat that experience.

“You can sit up front.” There was a gleam of excitement in Tari’s eyes. “And I can wrap my arms around you like Helian does me.”

I will be gentle with you, Goddesses, Isa said as she bowed her head low, especially since Tari is expecting.

Drae squeezed my shoulder. You’ve survived riding on the back of Mortimus. You can do this.

I shot him a sideways glare. Riding Mortimus was a nightmare.

“You don’t mind if I ride Isa?” I asked him aloud, hoping he’d give me an out.

“As much as we enjoy holding you,” Drae answered, “it would free up our hands if we need to fight.”

“And I will catch you if you fall,” Blaze said with a wink.

I breathed out a long breath, doing my best to quell the churning in my gut. “Then let’s go,” I said warily.

Drae flew me to the top of Isa and deposited me in the saddle, fussing over my straps and making sure I was secure. The satyrs had developed a belt for the saddle, holding me in place should Isa tip. After I was strapped in, my sister landed behind me using some sort of wind to propel herself. She thanked Drae as he adjusted her straps, too.

She wrapped her arms around me, grabbing the pommel. Are you ready, sister? she asked through thought.

Are you?

I’ll never be ready to leave my children. I could feel the depression in her voice.

I swallowed back my sorrow, my gaze drifting to the girls and our mates watching us from the pyramid’s shadow. Me neither.

But then Isa launched into the sky, the feeling so much different than riding on Malvolia’s demon horse. Instead of flying forward, we flew straight up, carried as if on a pulley. I didn’t have to squeeze Isa’s sides to hold on. I fit so perfectly in the saddle, her wide body cushioning my legs that stretched outward rather than jutting straight down. In fact, I couldn’t feel the muscles beneath her thick scales as her flapping wings whipped my braid behind me.

Tari tucked my braid into my cloak.

Thanks, sister, I projected to her.

Though I’d never ridden on a ship, I imagined the feeling was the same. Isa was a large sailing vessel while Mortimus was a rowboat.

Blaze flew beside us, flashing a confident grin while his bare chest glistened in the morning light. You okay?

Yes, darling, I answered, releasing my double grip on the pommel long enough to blow him a kiss, though I still held on with one hand. Thank you.

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