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He blinked up at me as if in a daze before stumbling to his feet and dusting off his trousers. “Don’t worry,” he grumbled. “I’m fine.” Then he cut me a dark look. “Your dragon is insane.”

Heaving like a wounded animal, Isa pinned her mate to the ground, Radnor’s soft and vulnerable belly exposed to her.

She roared again, her claws dangerously close to ripping out Radnor’s heart. You dare try to steal away my daughter!

Radnor tried to roll onto his side. She’s my daughter, too, and I wasn’t trying to steal her away!

Triss let out a pitiful whimper and nuzzled her mother’s side.

Isa snarled at her child. Return to the pyramid!

But Triss didn’t listen as she fell onto her bottom and let out a wail.

Isa released Radnor and spun around, flashing her fangs while hovering over her child. That is enough, child. You will return this instant!

Wailing louder, Triss flopped onto her side as if Isa had struck her.

Radnor sat up, his back to us as he ruffled his wings. Punish me if you want, but don’t take out your frustrations on our child.

Icy cold fear sluiced through my veins when Isa turned toward her mate, a ball of flame racing up her throat. You do not get to tell me how to raise my child after you abandoned us!

Radnor stumbled back with a roar as Isa advanced, heading directly toward us.

Ash spun on us with wide eyes. “Everyone back in the temple!”

“Stop!” A cry rang out, a deep bellow more thunderous than a dragon’s roar. “Hold your fire!”

It took me a moment to register that voice had come from my sister, as I looked at her through frozen features, unable to move a muscle. Holy elements! She’d made us all stop.

You dare use your siren on me? Isa’s voice rang loudly in my head, though she remained frozen.

“I release all but Isa from my spell,” Shiri called out.

I breathed in a deep breath, my shoulders relaxing as Shiri and her mates landed beside us.

Shiri jutted a finger toward the forest. “Radnor, go!”

He jumped into the air, his tail dragging as he flew away with a whimper.

Then Shiri spun on Isa, her hands jutted on her hips. “You are released from my spell, and, yes, I dare!” She motioned toward us. “Before you burn my family.”

Isa gaped at me as if she was seeing me for the first time. Then she bowed her head, a tear slipping down her snout. “I’m sorry, Goddess. I didn’t realize.”

“Obviously.” Shiri rolled her eyes. “Isa, I mean this with no disrespect, but you must learn to control your temper when you’re around Radnor.”

Isa’s top lip pulled back in a snarl. “Or maybe Radnor should leave.”

Triss sat up with a whimper, her wings visibly shaking.

The girls squirmed in Finn’s arms.

“May we go comfort her?” Aurora pleaded.

Finn squeezed them tight, the wolf flashing in his eyes. “Absolutely not. You do not leave my arms until it’s safe.”

I swallowed back my emotion, realizing that perhaps I’d been worried over nothing. The girls were safe with Finn. I, too, had been acting unhinged like Isa, and my dragon and I were more alike than I’d realized.

Helian jutted a foot forward. “We need Radnor to help us defeat the demon army.”

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