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I swallowed at that, remembering how I had to hide my magical powers while I lived with Thorin in the human lands. We portrayed ourselves as a harmless old man and his daughter selling elixirs made from a special herb that grew in the dark forests.

Esther’s hood fell back, revealing her rotating deer-like ears. “Though Maiadra found and closed the portal,” she continued, “it is now obvious that not all demons were purged from this world, and they have opened another portal. Once it was easy to recognize a demon, for their forms were usually grotesque and frightening. Now they have found a way to hide inside human and Fae hosts, making their detection harder and their eradication even more difficult.”

Which was why dragons had a harder time detecting their smell.

“Throughout history, we have noticed a pattern that white witches are no longer born simply to wield the elements.” Esther’s hard gaze wandered to Shiri and me again. “They are born into this world before another demon invasion, for the elements, too, have joined in this battle of good versus evil, equipping goddesses with the power to defeat the wicked creatures.”

I released the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding, grateful when Ash rubbed warmth into my back.

“The demon Nox doesn’t lie when he says there are two books that can help you defeat the demons.” Esther’s eyes narrowed when the crowd broke into murmurs and gasps. “Kyan herself created these books, one a book of demon names and the other a book of spells. The book of names will enable you to control the demons. The spell book will teach you how to cast them to hell. The books were separated and hidden away after Maiadra defeated the last demon army. Nox will be able to lead you to their locations, but only a white witch can reveal them.”

“What does that mean?” I whispered loudly.

Shiri gave me a befuddled look. “I don’t know.”

“It means the books are spellcast so that only white witches can see the words on the page!” Esther boomed, her voice carrying across the cavern. “You must find these books in order to defeat the Lamashtu and her undead army.”

Well, damn. She made it sound so easy.

Chapter Fifteen


After breakfast, Ash carried me up the long ramp toward the outside. I spied a pinprick of pale pink morning light ahead. The sun was hardly up and already we were leaving. I felt as if my mate was carrying me to my own funeral the further we ascended the ramp. Shiri and her mates flew ahead of us, and Ash told me Helian was already outside, leaving Ash, Finn, the girls, and me.

Finn carried a girl in each arm. Eyes heavy with sleep, they clung to their papa while resting their heads against his shoulders.

My heart expanded and twisted at the sight, and a sickening feeling washed over me. Was I worrying over nothing, or was my mother’s intuition trying to tell me something else?

I looked at Ash, his features hard beneath the low light of the flickering wall sconces. I have a bad feeling, I projected to him.

He eyed me through sideways slits. What?

I glimpsed at the girls again, feeling as if my heart was trapped in my throat. That something will happen to them while we’re gone.

It’s the pregnancy.

I loathed the dismissive pity in his tone. Excuse me?

He smiled at me as a father would smile at a pouty toddler. Expectant mothers are known to be this way.

Starbursts of rage exploded behind my eyes as magic pooled in my fingers. Put me down, I said curtly, fearing I’d zap him with magic if he didn’t release me. I’ll walk from here.

He tightened his grip on me. No, you won’t.

My anger was a steaming kettle. Magic crackled off my skin, and he released me as if I was a hot potato.

I stumbled out of his arms, balling up my fists while glaring at him through a haze of white.

Finn stopped and spun around. The girls gasped, clinging to his neck.

Ash backed up, holding out his hands in a defensive gesture, a flash of fear in his eyes. “Tari, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

White magic dripped off my fingers. “What if it’s a premonition?”

Tari, your eyes are glowing, Finn projected, his voice a soothing whisper. You’re scaring the girls.

I gasped, shaking my head to clear the fog of rage as my burning magic cooled. I gaped at my family as tears spilled over my eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t being myself.”

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