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“Yes, Your Highness.” They bowed and quickly walked away, their gazes darting to their fallen friend before they took off at a run.

“Those were the last of our soldiers.” Selig threw up his hands with a curse. “We’ll never see them again.” With them gone, that meant the last of the dragons would flee, too. Foolish demon!

“We don’t need them anyway.” The king snatched a tablecloth off a nearby table, shattering dishes as they hit the floor. He wiped his bloody sword across the cloth. “My wyvern will be the strongest monster that’s ever lived, powerful enough to destroy the entire dragon army.”

Selig swore under his breath. This demon was dumber than a slug. “Even if the necromancy works, we won’t know if the demon we summon will be strong.”

The demon king flashed a mouthful of decaying teeth. “He will be strong, very strong.”

“How do you know?” Selig asked, not bothering to hide the irritation in his voice. This demon was testing his patience. He had to dispose of him soon.

His smile was the devil incarnate as hot coals flared in his eyes. “Because I already have the perfect demon in mind.”

He whipped out his blade and slashed across Selig’s throat so fast, the mage didn’t have time to avoid the blow. He stumbled back, clutching his throat, drowning in his own fluids as his lifeblood spilled out of him.

He let out a gurgled cry when the demon latched onto his hair and dragged him toward the wyvern, roughly snatching his hand from his throat while letting his blood spill into the wyvern’s gaping maw.

“In the world I come from, there are demons just as powerful as your white witches,” the king hissed in Selig’s ear while he gasped for breath like a fish out of water. “One such demon lived in your brother, and then he was transferred to you, but your bodies were too weak for him. Now he will be able to live up to his full potential with the strength and power of a mighty predator, and a soft mind that he can wield to do his bidding.”

The king released him, and Selig slid down the wyvern’s body, gaping at the sunlight cutting through the rotting leaves above. Selig had been a fool. He’d underestimated this demon’s cunning and had paid for it with his life. The undead king hovered over him, his mouth curled in a wicked grin, his eyes as lifeless and cold as a snake’s.

“Say hello to Djall for me,” the demon chuckled, right before Selig’s world darkened.


EVERYONE IN THE PYRAMID was awake early, packing supplies for our trip. I was anxious to get going, but also worried about what we’d face in demon territory and afraid for my mate, for I knew the demon mistress would stop at nothing to destroy her. My only consolation was that I’d have my brother and the dragons helping to defend her. I’d give my life for hers, though I prayed it wouldn’t come to that. Now that we had finally reconciled, I looked forward to spending a lifetime loving my beautiful mate.

I made haste up the ramp to the outside, shielding my eyes against the rising sun once I emerged while adjusting to the light. I called to Radnor through thought and was quickly answered by a roar that echoed in my mind.

I squinted up at the sky as wyverns jumped from the trees and took to the air in a frenzy. A few moments later, the sky was blotted out by a giant winged beast.

He landed beside me, displacing dirt and dried grass and shaking the ground beneath my feet.

“Good morning!” I threw out my arms while spinning a half-circle. “And what a beautiful day it is!”

Radnor arched a brow. Someone got laid.

“So crass,” I scolded. “Not laid. We made love.”

Radnor let out a low rumble. With or without your brothers watching?

He was trying to goad me, jealous because his mate still hadn’t forgiven him. I crossed my arms, giving my dragon a long look. “Without.”

He sat on his bottom, licking his front paw while his tail lazily slapped the ground. They probably already had a turn with her.

I mentally counted to ten. I wouldn’t let him ruin my mood. “I know what you’re trying to do. Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Radnor.”

He bristled like a cat. You said you’d never share.

I crossed my arms, aggravation pounding a nail through my skull. “I make an exception for my brothers.”

His ears flattened against his skull. You let your cock think for you.

“I love her, Radnor. She is my mate. You would chastise me for wanting to be with her?”

Radnor looked away, his chin turned up in a proud tilt. Ugh. Stubborn drake. I was growing ever tired of his brooding. For almost a quarter of a century he’d believed his mate to be dead. Now she was alive, and he had a child. He should’ve been relieved they lived while groveling until Isa forgave him, not stomping around like a bear woken too soon from slumber.

“Maybe instead of trying to fix my relationship with my mate,” I continued, “you should focus on your own.”

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