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Then she cupped my face in her hands and brushed her lips across mine. Do you hear me? her voice sounded in my skull.

I stilled. Elements! I do!

The warmth in her smile could’ve lit up all of Peloponese. We’re mated.

Words couldn’t express my gratitude to my goddess, not only for forgiving me, but for sharing such a sacred piece of herself. I was overjoyed and humbled all at once. If it was at all possible, my cock grew harder inside her, and I was more than ready to make love again.

As if sensing my need, she rested her palms on my shoulders and began to slide her sex on mine, our pelvises grinding while my mate set a maddening rhythm.

My cock was still painfully hard even after flooding her dripping sex. We made love slower this time, the thump of the mattress hitting the wall and our labored breathing the only sounds in the room. Her beautiful breasts bounced while she rode me with abandon. I dug my fingers into the globes of her round bottom and thrust my hips upward, driving deeper into her. She tossed back her head with a moan when I flicked and pinched her nipple.

She sucked in a gasp and stilled, clenching me again, her chest heaving as the lamplight cast a glow behind her, adding warmth to her already sun-kissed skin and auburn highlights to her dark hair. She looked just like a goddess. My goddess.

I thrust twice more into her before finding release, my heart thudding like cannon fire, Tari’s name on my lips. She collapsed in my arms, my length still buried inside her. We kissed and caressed each other until I was hard for her again. We savored every touch, kiss, and thrust until we soared into oblivion once more.

I was indeed a lucky Fae.

Chapter Thirteen


After my goddess and I were thoroughly sated, she’d popped our privacy bubble, and a cascade of flowery vines fell upon the bed. I hacked at the vines with my sword, making her laugh while pretending I was vanquishing our enemies. I tossed them on the floor, much to her rabbits’ delight, then I joined her beneath the covers, relishing the feel of her in my arms while trying not to think too much about having to hand her over to my brothers. This bed would be a tight fit for three and impossible for four. No, make that six and soon to be seven. That would probably leave me on the floor.

Tari snuggled against my chest while I ran my fingers through her thick, soft hair. It felt so different holding her. She’d been so small in her human body compared to now, and I quite liked it. She had much more flesh to hold onto when I was thrusting into her. Though she packed quite a punch, too. My sore cheek was a reminder of that. My cock stirred at her delicate purring sounds when my fingers grazed her shoulder and caressed her neck. I sank into the pillows, knowing I didn’t have it in me to make love to her again, though I sorely wanted to.

Tari sat up on her elbow and frowned down at me. “Your face is swollen.”

I brushed her chestnut hair behind her shoulder. “I deserved it.”

“You did.” She slanted a smile, her eyes sparkling like gemstones. “But that’s in the past now.”

I flinched when she placed a hand on my cheek, then sank further into the bed when a warm tingling sensation spread through my face and seeped into my veins.

By the time she was done, my muscles had turned to porridge. I closed my eyes, hoping I could nap with her in my arms, knowing I wouldn’t get her to myself very often.


My eyes flew open when I heard her voice in my head. Having her voice in my head was still a jarring experience, especially after getting rid of Nox. For too many years, I could only mind-speak Radnor and now Isa. I wondered if my bond with Tari would enable me to speak to my brothers through thought, too. I feared all those voices would be too much. Though I didn’t regret the mating bond, I was still getting used to it.

“Much.” I lifted her hand to my mouth, kissing her fingertips when I noticed they were swollen. My brows creased as I turned over her hand. “What about your hand?”

She shrugged, snuggling against me with a sigh. “I can get Nikkos to heal me.”

I resumed running my fingers through her hair. “The youngest fire mage?”


I struggled to sit up with her on top of me. “I’ll go get him.”

“Not yet.” She pushed me back down, her brow creased and worry reflecting in her eyes. “Tell me about what happened to Enso.”

I grasped her shoulders, desperately searching her gaze. “Enso volunteered.” She’d only just forgiven me for my engagement to Arabella. I didn’t want to anger her again.

Her eyes softened. “I know.”

I swallowed while gathering the nerve to confess. “Drae and Blaze came and got me and took me to a cave with mists.” I didn’t feel guilty for telling on her sister’s mates. Tari would find out anyway.

She arched a brow. “And?” There was no mistaking the frustration in her voice.

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