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He looked up at his hands as they pressed against the gray membrane. “Neither did I.”

This was amazing. Only Malvolia and a few of her top mages could summon curse chambers. I was so proud of my mate.

“Sorry.” Esther frowned. “I didn’t know that would happen.”

None of us did. Isa’s deep rumble filled my head. We’ve never done a blood bond before, especially not one with a demon.

I squinted outside the chamber. She was hunched on the ground, her wings shielding her and Enso.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, my voice sounding muffled inside the chamber.

She arched back, shaking out her wings. My scales protected me.

Drae popped the bubble, and we looked around the cavern. Steam rose from the wet floor and walls.

I kissed Drae’s cheek, speaking to him through thought. Remind me to reward you later for saving us.

He waggled his brows. Believe me, I will.

And you’re going to need to practice your new magic, Blaze added. I suspect we’ll need it again soon.

Drae nodded his agreement.

“Now what?” I asked aloud.

Esther grimaced. “Now we put Nox in Enso.”

“How?” I asked.

She pulled the blade from her robes and went to Enso, gently stroking his neck and whispering in his ear before pricking his wing with the tip of the blade. Then she waved Helian forward. “Press your cut against Enso’s cut,” she said to him.

The satyrs helped Helian stand, his chains rattling as they led him toward the wyvern.

They pressed their cuts together, but nothing appeared to happen.

Use your siren, Shirina, Isa said to me. Command Nox to go into Enso. I remembered the demon in Bertram had said we’d need a Tau stone to silence the demon first, and I wondered why we didn’t use one for the ceremony. Perhaps because this demon was willing to go, or perhaps because my siren voice was all that was needed.

Magic flooded my veins as I cleared my throat. “Nox, I command you to leave Helian’s body and go into Enso.” My siren voice rang through the stagnant air and echoed off the cavern walls.

Helian collapsed onto the floor, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

“Did it work?” Blaze asked aloud.

Enso tilted back his head and let out a loud squawk, red flashing in his eyes.

I swallowed back bile. “Yeah, it appears so. Elements help us.”


SO MANY MEMORIES ASSAILED me as I sat up in bed all alone, twisting the frayed edge of our homespun blanket in my lap. I tried mentally cataloging them, arranging them in chronological order, but there were just too many thoughts crowding my mind, like thousands of wyverns all diving for the same fish. The feeling was overwhelming, especially since the memories that mostly prevailed were those dark days after I’d thought my mates had been killed by Fachnan’s army. That feeling of desolation, even though I still had my babies, parents, and twin. Losing Ash and Finn felt like my heart had cracked down the middle, one side completely crumbling to dust.

I didn’t think my heart could ever survive such a loss again. And now my family and I had to go to battle against a demon army. What if I couldn’t keep them all safe? Would I be forced to endure life like our mother and my father Derrick without Marius? I couldn’t imagine losing Ash or Finn, but it was a real possibility. Would my heart crack again, and if it did, would both sides wither to dust?

My gaze wandered over to my rabbits, happily snuggling in the corner of the room. Their bodies were pressed together, both of their legs stretched behind them, while they alternated grooming each other’s ears. It was the purest, sweetest thing I’d ever seen, two innocent, content creatures loving one another. I was envious of my rabbits. To be so happy. They put their trust in each other and in me to keep them safe. Little did they know their world could easily come crashing down, just like that fateful morning my mates and I had woken to screams and smoke.

The moisture evaporated from my mouth when my mates emerged from the bathing room, their wet hair slicked back, their hard bodies glistening with moisture. Remembering I wore nothing but a thin shift, I crossed my arms as Ash approached the bed with a predatory gleam in his eyes. My mates and I had already tucked the girls in to sleep in Shiri’s bed, and now we had our bedchamber to ourselves. For the first time since the war, I had the opportunity to make love to my mates. So why did I get butterflies in my stomach when Ash climbed onto the bed, his masculine scents of sage and earth hitting my senses like a frying pan to the skull?

I scooted back against the wall when Finn climbed onto the other side of the bed, looking at me like I was an injured lamb and he a hungry dragon.

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