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Shirina gave her mates a look, and they advanced toward me.

“Wait!” I called, trying to lift my hands in defense despite the chains binding my wrists. “My demon tells me he can show us where the Lamashtu who is controlling the other demons is hiding.”

Shiri gaped at me. “The one they call their mistress?”

I nodded.

She arched a brow. “How does he know this mistress is a Lamashtu?”

Before I could form an answer, my throat constricted and my tongue moved on its own accord.

An involuntary sibilant hiss escaped me. “I know her ways,” a strange voice answered as my vision turned red. It took me a moment to realize that voice was mine and that Nox was controlling me.

Shiri turned to Isa with a frown. “Malvolia said she suspected the demon the others follow is called a Lamashtu. I saw the creature in the book of demons she showed me.”

Isa let out a growl that rattled my bones as she hovered low enough to look me in the eyes. Tell us, demon. Where do we find her?

I tried to gain control of my voice, though it was no use. It was as if I was in a game of tug-of-war and Nox had oiled my end of the rope. “She is hiding beneath the Periculian Mountains,” Nox said, “though the entrance into her underground tunnel is visible only to the demon eye.”

Shirina rolled her eyes. “And I suppose only you can lead us there.”

“I can. I will,” Nox continued. “First you must promise you won’t kill me after you put me in a wyvern.”

I inwardly screamed, feeling like an interloper looking out of someone else’s eyes as I fought to regain control of my mouth.

Shirina and Isa shared a long look before my mate’s sister finally turned to me with a snarl. “Very well.”

“And I want the first wyvern,” Nox continued, using my mouth, though his oily voice sounded completely foreign. “The younger one.”

“No deal.” Drae stalked up to me, staring into my eyes as if he could see through me. “Let’s put him in Thanos and get this over with. We will find this tunnel ourselves.”

“You won’t be able to defeat her even if you find her,” Nox taunted.

Drae’s wings snapped open, flames arcing off his upturned hands. “You think two white witches can’t destroy a pesky demon?”

“Not this one,” Nox answered, sounding all too confident as he turned up my chin and glared at Drae. “She has the power to resist the siren’s call and deflect white magic. She has been killing witches and collecting their magic for centuries.”

Drae’s jaw dropped as he looked from Shirina back to me. “She can do that?”

“Yes,” Nox answered. “She’s assembling an army of the dead. Her forces will be unstoppable, even for two white witches. The dead listen to no one but their mistress. Not even the siren’s call can control them.”

Fuck. I hated how helpless I felt, unable to control the slightest of movements. If Nox could control me so easily, that meant he had the power the entire time.

Shirina bridged the distance between us before Drae blocked her path, preventing her from getting too close. Good. I wanted to tell her to stay back, but I had absolutely no control over my own body.

She looked me over with a scowl as if I carried the plague. “Then how do I defeat them?

“You can control any demon if you know their name and the spell with which to cast them back to hell,” Nox said while rattling my chains.

Shirina arched back, letting out a low groan. “I’m tired of playing with you, demon,” she said, her powerful siren voice rolling through me like a clap of thunder. “Tell the truth. Is the Lamashtu assembling an army of the dead?”

A sound came out of me that reminded me of a snake. “Yesss.”

Everyone arched away, looking at me as if I were a ghoul. And perhaps I was. It was then I realized the true might of Nox’s power, and that I had absolutely no control over the demon possessing me.

“How do I find out her name and the spell?”

“They are written in books,” Nox answered.

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