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Slow down, he warned, before I explode.

I can’t. I hissed when he pinched and stretched my nipples, the exquisite pain sending me soaring into oblivion.

My wicked mate knew exactly what he was doing. He stilled with a roar, pouring his seed into me while my sheath convulsed around him. After heaving a shuddering breath, I collapsed on top of his chest, purring while he stroked my back and neck, sending delightful trills across my skin.

We laid like this for several moments, his thick cock still buried deep inside me, but then Nikkos was behind us, loudly clearing his throat.

“Here you go.” Drae sat up and looked over my shoulder, no doubt smirking at Blaze. “I know how to share.”

And then Nikkos lifted me into his arms and laid me on a blanket beside the fire. “I came prepared,” he said with a wink.

I tenderly stroked his soft cheek. “Always thinking of my comfort.”

His smile could’ve lit up the room. “Of course.”

But before he could sink into my embrace, I had another idea. “Why don’t you let me return the favor?”

His eyes lit up like starbursts as I rolled him onto his back, his magnificent wings fanned out beneath him. He laid back with a satisfied sigh as I took him in my mouth, slurping up and down his hard shaft with wild abandon while massaging my saliva into his heavy sack. It didn’t take long for his sack to tighten beneath my hand. But then he pulled me off with a roar and flipped me onto my back. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slid into my slippery sheath and pounded into me with wild abandon. I clung to him while we soared to the stars, exploding in a maelstrom of heavy panting and heavenly throbbing, arcing through the sky like a falling comet.

He collapsed beside me, taking me in his arms before his brothers joined us, taking turns loving me until we were all sated and spent.


MY HAIR WAS IN TANGLES, my skirts were somewhere at my feet, and the cool air tickled my bare breasts, though I didn’t care, for I was boneless and sated after being thoroughly loved by my ravens. After going one more round with my mates, I snuggled in Blaze’s arms with a sigh while Nikkos pressed against my back, his leg draped over my hip, his still very firm length stabbing my buttocks. Drae was the only brother not relaxing with me. He had put on his pants shortly after and was standing at the top of the steps, staring out into the night, his wings drooped behind him. Something was obviously troubling him.

He finally turned to us, his brow drawn low. “We’re wasting time.”

I sat up on my elbows, my nipples pebbling in the cool air. “Oh, sorry.” I didn’t bother hiding the venom in my voice. “I didn’t know you thought making love to me was a waste.”

He shook his head, smirking. “I was talking about waiting to get that demon out of the prince.”

I bit my lip, my cheeks flushing. “Oh. Sorry.”

He winked, waggling his brows while staring at my breasts, making my skin flush even more.

“What can we do?” Blaze asked as he sat up, crossing his legs while wrapping himself up in his wings.

“We don’t need Tari for the ceremony,” Drae answered.

I tensed. “She’ll never forgive us.” And after missing my sister for two years, I wasn’t willing to risk being the cause of another rift between us.

Drae stalked up to me, his feathers ruffling behind him. “Shiri, if the human towns are gone, how long before the demons attack the Fae?”

I sucked in a sharp breath while staring up at my mate, the crackling fire behind me echoing in my skull. It felt as if all air had been sucked from the room as the stark realization hit me. “I-I don’t know,” I stammered. What if the demons attacked the Fae while we were gone? Who would defend them?

Nikkos squeezed me to his side. “We must return to the Fae lands.”

Drae nodded. “Caldaria is without a king. They need Prince Helian, and we must warn the Fae that a demon fleet of warships will be landing on their shores.”

I gaped at my mates. “What if Malvolia tries to kill us?”

Drae knelt in front of me, taking my hand in his, a strange gleam in his eyes. “Then you and your sister must kill her, but I’m hoping it won’t come to that. With Helian as king, maybe we can form a truce between the nations and finally convince your aunt that Thorin tricked her.”

“She knew,” I answered, doubtful that we could reason with my aunt. “She just refused to accept it.”

Drae released my hand and stood. “Maybe now she’ll listen when she realizes the demon army is her biggest threat.” He spun on his heel, swearing when a roar sounded above us.

My mates jumped to their feet, blocking me, and I quickly threw my robe over my head, not bothering to lace it as Radnor stomped into the temple, a scowl etched into his features.

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