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I smiled while patting his hand. Oh, how I loved my mate.

I thanked the servants when they placed steaming rolls and bowls of what looked like tomato bisque in front of us. I scowled at the others at the table, noting how they hadn’t touched their food. I refused to adhere to their foolish decorum and waste good food, especially after surviving too long on stale porridge.

Derrick was the first to dig in, slathering butter on a roll and dunking it straight into his bisque while ignoring gasps that rose up around the table. I followed suit, elbowing Marius while he stared at us. I spooned a generous amount of soup into my mouth, moaning as buttery tomato and basil exploded on my tongue. Oh, how I missed a good bisque.

Malvolia straightened before clearing her throat. “Court, I’m sure you remember stories of my sister and her mates.” She picked up her wine goblet and waved it in our direction. “Here they are in the flesh, and as you now know, the mind spinner tricked us into believing my sister wanted my crown.” She gave me a look of longing that made me want to crawl out of my skin. “I would like to formally rescind the warrants for their arrests.”

I ignored the murmurs that rose up around the table while slurping down my bisque. I was already eyeing the many uneaten bisques around the table, plotting whose bowl I would steal next.

“Lord Derrick,” my sister continued, “I’d like to reinstate your position as the highest ranking general in my army.”

He gave her a cool look. “To do what?” he asked before shoving the rest of his roll in his mouth.

She quirked a brow. “To defeat these demons.”

“My position before was only symbolic. I know nothing of warfare,” he said before picking up his bowl of bisque and slurping it down like a mug of ale.

Marius grumbled, and I smiled at Derrick before following his lead, not caring when I accidentally splashed tomato on my hideous gown while gulping down the soup directly from the bowl.

“You’ve survived the Periculian wilds for almost a quarter of a century,” Malvolia continued, the ire in her raised voice palpable. “I’m sure there’s a lot you know.”

I set down my bowl with a clank and wiped my face with the back of my hand before cutting Malvolia a dark look. “He knows how to survive on meager rations while living in fear that my twin will turn us to ash.”

“Ahh, Flora.” Malvolia folded her hands in front of her while leaning back in her chair. “I was wondering when you’d find your voice.”

I responded by letting out a loud belch. The courtiers gasped, Marius shook his head, Derrick laughed aloud, and Malvolia simply glowered.

“Allow me to introduce you to my personal coven,” my sister continued, her voice edged with disgust. “You’ve met Lady Veronica and Lady Daminica.” She waved at the two witches who’d helped me dress while fussing that I was making them late. Then she waved at two more witches beside them. “Lady Cordelia and Lady Ivy are also in my coven.”

I absently nodded before thanking Derrick with a kiss when he snatched two soups from nearby courtiers and placed one in front of me. I ripped open a roll and dunked it in my bisque. “Where’s the sixth witch?” I swirled the bread in the bisque before popping it in my mouth with a groan. I could eat this heavenly food for every meal. “Our grandmother and mother had covens of six.”

“Lady Felicity Frensia.” My twin’s features tightened. “She and her mates were banished to their estate.”

I gave her an accusatory look. “Why?” I already suspected the answer—her neurosis.

A hush fell about the room, and I swear I could feel the temperature drop as my sister looked at me with a cold gleam. “For attacking Shirina,” she answered coolly.

Somehow, I got the feeling Malvolia didn’t care about Shirina’s wellbeing, and there was more to the story, but I decided not to press the issue when Derrick nudged my ribs. “I remember baby Felicity,” I said around another mouthful of soup-drenched bread. “She was our cousin Solana’s child.”

Malvolia turned up her chin, ire flashing in her eyes. “Yes, she was.”

“What happened to cousin Solana?” I pressed before picking up my bowl and slurping down the rest of the soup.

Malvolia took a slow slip of wine before eyeing me with disdain. “A casualty of the Crimson Tide.”

I dropped my bowl in front of me, daintily patting the corners of my mouth before letting out another satisfied belch. “You mean a victim of your paranoia?”

“Flora,” Marius warned.

Malvolia slammed down her goblet and flashed her teeth. “You’re determined to twist that blade, aren’t you, sister?”

I snatched my goblet off the table and gulped down several fortifying sips. “You think one ‘sorry’ erases twenty-four years of horrors?”

“I risked my life for you during the Dark Tide.” Malvolia jumped from her seat, her voice turning shrill as she jutted a finger at my chest. “I killed for you!”

I jumped up, too, kicking back my chair. “And then you tortured my mate and tried to murder my babies!”

“I knew where you were,” she said with a sneer as black smoke poured from her fingertips. “I could’ve had you and your family killed at any time.”

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