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“What’s wrong with Mommy?” Ember asked while blinking up at us.

“She’s had a bit of a shock,” Shiri said while ushering the children off the bed and turning down the covers.

“Do you need help?” Aurora asked as she took her sister’s hand and gaped at her mommy in my arms.

“No, girls.” Shiri directed them to the corner of the room. “Mommy needs you to take care of the rabbits. Make sure they have water and hay.”

Words couldn’t express how grateful I was for Tari’s sister and her mates as Blaze and Drae helped the girls with the rabbits. Then I placed Tari back in bed, tucking her beneath the blankets while Nikkos ran his hands down her arms, his fingers turning a soft blue.

Ash raced into the room, chest heaving, his cheeks a deep crimson. “Is she okay?” he blurted.

“She will be,” Shiri soothed.

I refused to make eye contact as he sat at the foot of the bed. You should’ve been here.

His wolf’s whimper echoed in my skull. I’m here now.

“What are you doing?” I asked Nikkos, feeling helpless and in the way while I sat back and watched.

“These are my healing fires,” he said before placing his hands on her head. “They will also warm her.”

My shoulders slumped in relief as some of the color returned to Tari’s face. “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me.” Nikkos smiled up at me. “We’re family. We take care of one another.”

I silently nodded. I hadn’t cared much for the Ravini Fae until meeting my new in-laws. These Fae were different from Malvolia’s murderous henchmen.

I watched with bated breath while my mate began to stir beneath Nikkos’s touch, her eyes fluttering open and then closing before she mumbled, “Finn.”

Words couldn’t describe my relief as I scooted closer to her, taking her hand in mine. “I’m here, my love.”

The sound of hooves striking slate echoed outside before High Priestess Esther came into the already overcrowded bedchamber. Her silver robes swirled around her as she looked us over with a frown, her ears turning like waving hands. “What happened?”

“She said her memories came back and then she fainted,” I answered.

Tari let out another moan, her head lolling to the other side.

Esther folded her hands in front of her. “Then the tea worked. I imagine having all memories return at once can be jarring.”

I squeezed Tari’s hand when she moaned again.

“She’s waking up,” Nikkos said as he slowly stood, letting Shiri take his place.

“Ember, Aurora,” Tari called. “Are they safe?”

The girls shot up, staring at their mother, but Blaze and Drae distracted them again with the rabbits.

Shiri brushed a strand of hair out of Tari’s face. “They are fine. Everyone’s fine.”

“Help me sit her up,” Shiri said to me.

We fluffed pillows behind her, and then I gently lifted her until she was sitting up, staring at us with a slackened jaw.

Esther turned, taking a goblet from a priestess behind her. “Here, get her to drink this,” she said, handing the goblet to me.

I frowned down at the purple liquid. “What is it?”

“A calming tea of lavender and other herbs,” she said. “She must drink all of it.”

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