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The courier’s cheeks colored a bright crimson as he averted his gaze. “Yes, My Lord.”

Selig inwardly swore. The news couldn’t be good. “And?”

He stepped back again, this time nearly tripping over an exposed tree root behind him. “They said they don’t take orders from a mage.”

Selig advanced on the courier, flames of rage fanning his face. “Caldaria needs a king!”

The courier backed up until he was pressed against the wide base of the tree. “Shall I send someone after the prince?”

Selig stopped his advance long enough to look out what used to be the wall of windows, a mild ocean breeze ruffling his robes. He saw not a single shadow blotting the sky that had once swarmed with hundreds of dragons. “How many dragons and riders have we left?”

The courier blanched, his voice splintering. “Eleven, My Lord.”

“Eleven?” Selig balled his hands into fists, rage coursing through his veins. “No, we can’t spare any riders.”

His mouth fell open. “Then what shall we do?”

The only thing left they could do. Fachnan’s heir obviously wasn’t coming back, and the remaining Caldarians would continue to scatter unless Selig produced a king. “Where’s the king’s body?”

The courier’s eyes widened. “In the Celsus burial chamber, My Lord.”

Selig issued the courier a challenging glare. “Bring it here.”

“My Lord?” The courier’s gaze snapped toward the exit.

Selig didn’t need mind powers to know he was getting ready to bolt.

Let me, his demon finally answered.

Selig released a long breath. “You heard me!” he said on a dark rumble, infusing his persuasive magic into his demon-touched voice. “Retrieve the king’s body.”

The courier’s eyes misted over, fear replaced by a vacant expression. “Yes, My Lord.” He bowed and walked out of the hall like a man possessed.

Licking his lips, Selig watched the man go while ruminating on the spells and herbs he’d need to conduct the necromancy. If it was a king the dragon riders wanted, a king they would get.


AFTER A LONG AND TIRING day of travel, my family and I finally reached the first of the Fallax Islands. My heart ached when we landed near a familiar waterfall and aquamarine lake. This was the last place Helian and I had made love before everything had changed. Though I didn’t regret finding my shifter mates, I regretted the way things had been left between Helian and me. I wondered if Radnor had been able to save him, or if my mate had perished in the Northern Sea’s frigid waters. Or worse, if Malvolia had gotten to him. How I loathed myself for abandoning him. If only we’d looked a little harder instead of turning tail and fleeing at the first sign of the wicked queen. If the bitch harmed Helian, she would know my wrath.

I forced a smile as Finn helped me from Bea.

You okay? he asked through thought.

I shook my head, grateful we could communicate telepathically, for I wasn’t sure if I trusted myself to voice my fears aloud without crying. Worried about Helian.

My sister and her mates landed beside us. Shiri gave me a sympathetic look when Drae set her on the ground, and I realized she’d probably heard my telepathic conversation with Finn. My heart caught in my throat when her other two mates set the girls down and they clung to each other while looking at Ash and Finn with frightened eyes. When were they going to trust their fathers?

Ash swore, waving his hands in front of his face, and that’s when I remembered the island’s mosquito problem. The bugs were as big as my hand! Luckily, Shiri’s mates were quick with setting up a fire and smoking the bugs away. I scanned the trees and the sky for wyverns, but Bea was the only one here. I wondered why they hadn’t flown out to greet us and if we’d find them on the next island. We had just finished setting up camp when I heard the dragon’s roar in the distance.

My veins solidified, and my heart skipped a beat as I looked to the giant shadow hovering in the sky and the Fae he held in his claws. My knees nearly buckled in relief. “Helian!” I wanted to race to them, but the line of mosquitoes outside our campsite kept me rooted to the spot.

Finn’s smile faltered when the girls ran to their uncle Nikkos, hiding behind his legs, and I felt his longing in the marrow of my bones. Hopefully one day soon, they’d run to him or Ash for comfort. For now though, all that mattered was Helian was alive!

Radnor landed with a heavy thud, uncurling his talons to reveal a battered and bruised and very naked Helian who rolled into a fetal position with a moan.

Mosquitoes be damned, I raced toward them. Helian needed me.

Radnor jumped in front of Helian like a wolf guarding a bone, snarling at me as smoke curled from his snout.

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