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The high priestess stood, though she kept her gaze lowered. “Our kind have been living on the Fallax Islands since the time of Maiadra.”

“Maiadra?” The goddess had died four hundred years ago. “You’re kidding.”

She motioned to the sea of flying creatures overhead. “Someone had to care for the wyverns.”

They are priests and priestesses of the Maiadran temple, Isa answered. They call themselves Maiadrans. They have honored our late goddess for centuries.

“I’ve never heard of you,” I said to Esther.

She smiled while slowly raising her eyes to mine. “That’s because no one else knows we’re here.”

High Priestess Esther is in charge of all temple business, Isa said to us. If you have any questions or concerns, you go to her. The high priestess is a dragon speaker. She can speak to all our kind through thought. She nodded toward the younger satyr. Priestess Kaida will show you to your bedchambers. After you freshen up, the Maiadrans have prepared a feast in your honor.

“A feast!” Tari clasped her hands together. “Oh, thank you. You didn’t have to go through the trouble.”

“Yes, they did,” Finn blurted. “I’m so hungry I could eat a dragon.” He flinched, looking sideways at Isa. “I wouldn’t, though.”

Isa leered at him through hooded lids before turning back to Tari and me. It is our honor to serve you and your consorts.

Consorts? I shared a look with Tari. Is she referring to our mates?

Tari winced. I think so.

I cringed when a roar sounded in the distance. The wyverns scattered as a large shadow blotted out the sky. Radnor dropped the Fae prince on the ground before landing with a thud, flattening the grass beneath him.

“Wait!” Helian called as he stood, brushing dirt off his legs. He looked at Tari like a hound begging for a bone. “Please let me come with you,” he begged.

I refrained from rolling my eyes. This demon-possessed Fae was pathetic, and he certainly didn’t deserve my sister.

Isa hunched back like a cat preparing to strike, a jagged column raised across her spine as she snarled at her mate. What are you doing here?

Radnor jutted a foot forward, his heavy jowls turned down. Isa, I wish to speak to you.

Smoke poured from her snout. Do not dare address me!

Radnor hung his head like a pitiful puppy.

Ash jumped in front of Tari, Finn, and the girls, snarling like a rabid dog when Helian approached.

Blaze joined him in a flash, flames arcing off his fingers while Nikkos and Drae shielded me. I wanted to tell them they were being dramatic, but then again, I didn’t want to risk being bitten by Helian.

“Anya, Ash, Finn.” Helian clasped his hands in a prayer pose and went down on one knee. “I’m sorry for everything. I know I can make it up to you if you give me a chance.”

High Priestess Esther. Isa leered down at Helian, steam from her flared nostrils hitting his back. This Fae is demon possessed. He needs to be in a cell where he will remain until the white witches exorcise his demon.

“A cell?” Helian asked, blinking up at Isa. “Will I at least get food and water?”

She let out a low rumble, snapping her jowls as if she would eat him. You’re testing my patience, Fae.

The head priestess called over two large satyrs, whispering in their ears. Helian’s eyes widened when they approached.

“Anya!” he called to my sister as they latched onto his arms. “I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you. I swear!” he cried as they dragged him away.

Helian was still calling out to my sister as they disappeared into a dark doorway carved into the bottom of the temple that was wide enough for Isa to squeeze through.

Tari didn’t say anything as she swiped at her eyes and then went back to cradling the rabbits hanging in front of her. Ash wrapped an arm around her shoulders, kissing the side of her head. Still holding the girls in his arms, Finn nuzzled her shoulder with a canine whimper. Tari’s mates offered her words of comfort while she flashed a watery smile.

“Don’t cry, Mommy,” Ember said aloud.

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