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Isa crouched down on all fours, snarling at him like a rabid dog. How do you mind-speak me, Fae?

“Perhaps it’s my connection to Radnor.” Helian motioned toward Radnor, who was still hunched over at the edge of the clearing like a toddler who’d been sent to the corner. “I’m his rider.”

Isa reared back, her eyes narrowing on Helian. Then she arched her long, snake-like neck and hovered over him, spit dripping from her fangs and hitting the ground by his feet. You look and smell like the spineless toad, King Fachnan.

He visibly swallowed while staring up at her. “He was my father.”

Was? she asked.

He swallowed again then nodded at Ash and Finn. “They killed him.”

She tossed back her head and laughed. Good riddance.

Helian winced but didn’t say anything, and I wondered if he had secretly cared for Fachnan. Or maybe he was afraid she’d make him her evening snack.

You took on a rider after centuries of refusing to become a Fae’s pet? Isa let out a low chuckle while glaring at Radnor. My, how the mighty have fallen.

Radnor jerked back as if she’d spewed fire at him. I’m not his pet.

She made a sound of disgust before scowling down at Helian. Tell me how Frode died.

Helian ran a shaky hand through his hair. “We were trying to spare Anya from having to go to battle against Malvolia’s army.” He nodded toward me. “We flew into Malvolia’s camp to set off a bomb.” He shot Shiri a dark look. “But her sister used her siren voice to force us to fly off with it.”

Shiri’s mates grumbled, looking like they wanted to do nothing more than burn Helian to ash, and I didn’t blame them.

Shiri looked at Helian with a disgusted gleam in her eyes, as if he wasn’t fit to breathe the same air as her. “Yeah, rather than kill thousands of innocent people, including my nieces and mates.”

Helian held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, sputtering words I couldn’t comprehend.

Isa released more steam from her snout. “You caused that giant explosion?” she asked Helian.

His jaw dropped. “You saw?”

The whole world probably saw. The dragoness shook her head, clucking her tongue. No doubt you’ve awoken every demon from here to the human lands. She paused, her eyes narrowing, her voice laced with suspicion. How are you not dead, Fae?

He scratched the back of his head, looking like a child who’d gotten caught stealing sweets. “I was protected by a curse chamber.”

A curse chamber? You’re no fire mage. Her eyes widened then narrowed. Are you demon possessed?

I sucked in a sharp breath, fearing she’d incinerate him. “We’re working on getting it out of him,” I blurted.

She looked at me through sideways slits. I can get it out of him easily enough.

“No!” I hollered, magic burning my fingers when she puffed up her chest, fire racing up the long column of her throat. What was I supposed to do? Kill the dragon who was probably my familiar to save the mate who’d rejected me?

Helian’s shoulders sagged as if he’d accepted his fate.

Before I had to make a choice, Radnor jumped in front of Helian with a roar. You will not harm my rider.

The fire beneath her scales extinguished as she puffed up her chest, growling at her mate. Oh, how quickly you come to his defense.

The two dragons circled each other, tails slapping the ground while Triss backed away from them with a whimper. I feared they’d launch into a fiery battle if I didn’t do something.

Magic swelled my fingertips so much they ached when I was struck with an idea. “Stop this!” I struck the ground between them with my magic.

The dragons backed away when the ground rumbled and split open. Helian just stood there until Radnor pushed him back with his tail. Ash pulled me back, and Finn and Shiri’s mates hovered protectively over my sister and children as thick roots shot from the deep crevice and stretched toward the sky, branching out like a clenched hand opening up. In a matter of seconds, I’d grown a tree similar to the one in Fachnan’s court, only this one was wider with white flowers hanging off the branches.

I clenched my fists by my sides when the dragons scowled at the tree, then at me. Refusing to be intimidated, I turned up my chin, matching their glares as ire coursed through my veins. “If you wish to fight, take it somewhere else.” I jutted a finger toward the sky. “Not where you can injure my children.”

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