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Tari, Ash called to me through thought.

I’m coming, I answered, turning my back on Helian.

“Anya, wait!” Helian loudly whispered.

I refused to answer him as I made my way back to Ash. Though I wanted to tell Helian he was too late with his empty promises and flowery words, I bit my lip and returned to bed, turning my back on Helian while snuggling in Ash’s arms. My big shifter asked no questions and hurled no accusations while holding me tight. And to think, I’d once chosen Helian over him.

Chapter Four


After flying all morning, we stopped at a small island for a quick lunch and continued flying until evening. We circled above a large clearing in the center of the jungle, marked by patches of grass and mossy earth dotted with colorful flowers. I remembered this island from last time, for it was bigger than the rest with a massive volcano in the center. The vegetation was thicker here, and there were wyverns clinging to the treetops and circling in the skies nearby, though none approached as we landed in the clearing.

I had a strange feeling, almost as if they were waiting for permission to approach, not from me or Shiri, but from someone else.

Bea whimpered after we dismounted, her wings pinned back as she alternated between scanning the treetops and searching the skies.

“What’s wrong, girl?” She flinched when I stroked her neck, and I feared what had set her on edge.

The rabbits thumped in my sack, and they continued to thump after I handed my bag to Finn. They refused to leave the sack when he set it down on a soft patch of grass.

Shiri and her mates landed beside us. Shiri’s mates got to work setting up a fire, and the girls ran to Finn, climbing all over him while giggling. But then they gasped when a dark shadow blotted out the sky.

Radnor landed with haste, stumbling before unceremoniously dropping Helian in the dirt. He had a crazed look in his eyes and appeared even more agitated than Bea.

Helian hunched over, clutching his gut, his long hair hanging over his face. He vomited in the grass, splattering his chest while chunks clung to his hair. I jutted a foot forward, fighting the urge to go to him and at least heal his nausea.

Ash grasped my elbow, pulling me against him. Don’t go near him, Tari.

I shook my head. I won’t.

What had come over me that I had tried to go to Helian? I shuddered to think what could have happened had his demon gotten hold of me. I couldn’t believe I was actually starting to feel sorry for the Fae, though it was his fault he was in this predicament. He’d courted the demon bitch Arabella, despite knowing he was my fated mate. And now that he was demon possessed, Radnor wouldn’t allow him to ride on his back. My hand instinctively flew to my gut. Just the thought of being forced to hang from the dragon’s talons all day made my stomach roil with nausea.

The dragon paced back and forth like a caged animal.

“Radnor?” I asked aloud, afraid to approach him when he arched back like a feral cat.

His nostrils flared as he looked around with wide eyes. The scent is stronger here, he said as if that explained everything.

Helian sat up on his knees, his complexion looking a little green, though he appeared otherwise okay. “What do you think it is?” he asked the drake.

Radnor let out a strange whimper, backing away.

“What do you smell?” I pressed.

Ash turned up his chin and scented the air. “Two dragons.”

Radnor crouched low, letting out a growl. Impossible.

I gave Ash a look. “He doesn’t believe you.”

Ash shrugged before pulling a rope out of his pack. His nostrils flared again. “Both dragons are female.”

Radnor let out a pitiful whimper, his ears flattening as his gaze darted from me to the sky. Bea whimpered, too, crouching low as she scanned the jungle.

Radnor had never struck me as the sort to be scared of other dragons, and I hadn’t seen Bea this agitated since we’d found Beau’s body.

“Could I relieve myself before you tie me up?” Helian shot Ash a pleading look as he stumbled to his feet.

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