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I tensed, not sure how I felt about Helian coming to my defense.

Radnor blew out a plume of smoke while scowling at Helian. Since when did you care about children?

“I care about these children,” Helian answered. “They’re Anya’s daughters and my nieces.”

Again, Ash tensed behind me while the girls gaped at Helian. I couldn’t help the tug at my heart at Helian’s words. This was the first time he’d said anything nice about the girls. Until this moment, I wasn’t sure how he felt about them. Then again, he could’ve been pretending to care about them just to get in my good graces. I wrapped my arms around myself, doing my best to ignore the weight of Helian’s heavy stare upon me. When Ash tugged on my waist, I leaned against him again, feeling like I was being crushed by the longing that pulsed off Helian.

Finn scented the air. “That smell is stronger.”

“What smell?” I asked.

He scratched the back of his head, his gaze darting from Radnor to me. “Other dragons.”

I gasped. “You smell it?”

Finn nodded. “My wolf’s nose can smell many things.”

Radnor perked up, his golden eyes widening. How many dragons does he smell? he asked me.

I repeated the question to Finn.

Finn scented the air again. “Two,” he answered.

I turned to Ash, who nodded his agreement.

Radnor let out what sounded like a puppy’s whimper. How far?

“He asks how far?” I asked my mates.

Ash stood, his nostrils flaring while he turned his gaze to the night sky. “Their scent carries on the breeze. Perhaps the next island.”

Radnor made another pitiful whimper.

“How?” I asked. “Dragons and wyverns don’t exactly coexist.”

Finn shrugged. “I don’t know.”

It’s a trick.

My gaze shot to Radnor’s. “How do you know?”

His top lip pulled back in a snarl. Because I recognize one of the dragons.

I gave him a curious look. “And?”

He jumped to his feet, a crazed look in his eyes, his tail waving erratically behind him. And she’s been long dead.


I WOKE IN THE MIDDLE of the night to the call of nature and a rumble in my tummy. Helian’s child couldn’t have been more than a peanut, and already he was making demands. I extricated myself from Ash’s arms, careful not to wake our sleeping children as they clung to Finn.

Though I thought I’d been quiet, Ash latched onto my ankle, opening one glowing eye as I tried to crawl away. Where are you going? His dark, protective voice echoed in my skull.

To the toilet, I answered on a sigh while peeling his fingers off me.

Both eyes shot open, two feral slits reflecting his inner wolf. I’m coming.

My tummy grumbled again, and my bladder felt ready to explode. I’d rather have my privacy.

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