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Maybe. I chewed my lip, my gaze flickering to the tree where Helian was tied up. Ash, Finn, and I wouldn’t be able to go too far, not with the mosquitoes and whatever other creatures ventured out at night, and I didn’t want Helian to hear us.

I’m sure it would relax everyone, Shiri said with a wink.

I heaved a resigned sigh. I’m sure it would. Which meant my mates and I wouldn’t be relaxing for a while.


AFTER SUPPER THAT NIGHT, we sat around the campfire sharing stories. Radnor was already asleep nearby, his deep snores rumbling the ground beneath us, his sulfuric breath fogging the air. Bea had flown off into a tree, her dark silhouette a stark contrast to the glowing moon above, the tree limb beneath her sagging from her weight. The rabbits were snuggled in tight in the little hidey house Finn had made them out of straw, grooming each other’s ears, their bellies full from hay and flowers.

Ember and Aurora made a game of climbing all over Finn, while I sat between Ash’s legs, resting the back of my head against his chest, his arms protectively wrapped around me. Just when I didn’t think my heart could get any fuller, Helian had to remind me that our pack was fractured with his loud, pitiful sigh. I refused to look at him. Ash had tied him to a tree close enough to the fire to keep the mosquitoes at bay, but far enough away that he wasn’t part of our happy circle.

“So what was it like in Malvolia’s court?” Ash asked my sister and her mates, his deep baritone rattling my insides.

“Hell.” Drae chuckled, his wings stiffening. “What about Fachnan’s court?”

“Hell,” Ash answered. “Literally. The Viggos were demon possessed, and we never knew when someone would try to plunge a knife into our backs.”

“The Viggos?” Nikkos asked, ruffling his wings while Shiri rested in his embrace.

“Duke Viggo and Lady Arabella,” Finn answered.

“Oh.” Blaze cast a side-eyed glare in Helian’s direction. “How did Helian come to be demon possessed?”

Heat crept into my cheeks as I leered at Helian. Why did I fear the reason had something to do with Arabella?

“I don’t know,” Ash grumbled.

Everyone went silent, staring at Helian, the sound of the crackling fire like a thunderclap in my ears while I held my breath, fearing the answer.

Helian’s pale skin turned crimson. “It happened when Arabella kissed me,” he finally answered.

“Oh?” I was unable to mask the hurt in my voice.

He gave me an imploring look. “She forced herself on me and bit my lip.”

“I see.” I worked hard to unclench my jaw. “Was this before or after you agreed to marry her?”

“Anya.” His voice rose with each syllable. “My father didn’t leave me a choice.”

My heart sank like a stone. I was disappointed he was still relying on that excuse instead of just admitting his mistake.

“Trollshit,” Ash rumbled, the deep timbre of his voice rattling my bones. “You had a choice. You did it to hurt Tari.”

I flinched at Ash’s words, not because they were harsh, but because I knew them to be true. I was grateful when he tightened his hold on me, as if he could keep the threads of my shattered soul from unraveling.

Helian heaved a defeated groan. “I did it because I was a fool.”

“You’re still a fool,” Ash snapped, “unless you grew a brain in a few days.”

Helian’s eyes flared. “Fuck off, Ash.”

My gaze darted to the girls when they gasped. They’d gone eerily still in Finn’s arms, staring at Helian as if he was a ghoul come to steal their souls.

“It’s Asher,” my mate rumbled, “and watch your mouth around our children.”

I wanted to tell Ash that when he hurt Helian, he hurt me, too, but he was right. Helian had a lot to atone for, and I appreciated Ash looking out for the children and me.

Radnor made a loud snorting sound, and one golden eye shot open. He snarled then sat up, hovering over us like a cobra preparing to strike. Do you smell something odd? he projected to me.

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