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Aurora tugged on Ash’s hand, and my heart caught in my throat when his smile matched hers. Their resemblance was uncanny. I immediately put sex out of my mind. My children were with us, and my mates were safe. For now, that’s all that mattered.

“Can we go shoot fruits, Dada Ash?” she pleaded.

“Sure, pup,” he said as she pulled him toward a copse of fruit trees.

“It’s too hot for my babies,” Ember said to Finn while frowning down at her fruit shells.

“Then let’s build them a cool spot to rest,” he said with a wink.

“Be sure to include the rabbits,” I said, kissing his cheek and handing him my sack as they kicked and stretched inside.

They walked toward a shady grove that I recognized, for Helian and I had made love there while feasting on fruits. Ugh. That week would forever be ingrained in my mind. And to think, I never wanted it to end. I didn’t want to find out who I was, for fear it would break our hearts. And it did break my heart, but then Finn and Ash put it back together.

And speak of the demon. I squinted up at the sky as a massive shadow hovered over us, blotting out the sun. He clutched Helian in his claws like a mouse in a hawk’s talons.

Finn and Ash quickly returned, growling when Radnor dropped Helian to the ground. Helian fell with all the grace of a dancing troll, cursing when he landed on his face.

Ash didn’t even give Helian a chance to get up before he was dragging him toward a tree.

“Could I at least get a chance to relieve myself?” Helian complained.

“I’m not your fucking nurse,” Ash grumbled.

I didn’t know why I felt the need to defend Helian, but fool that I was, I followed after them. “Let him go to the bathroom, Ash,” I scolded, nodding toward the tattered trousers he wore. “Or else he’ll soil your spare.”

Ash shrugged, flashing a wolfish grin. “I don’t wear them anymore.”

“Ash,” I groaned. “Let him pee.”

Ash swore then crossed his arms, snarling at his brother. “Hurry up.”

Helian looked from Ash to me. “Could I get some privacy?”

“No,” Ash grumbled.

“I have to do more than pee.” Helian gave me a hopeless look. “And after Radnor rattled my stomach around, it won’t be pretty.”

Ash stomped away with an enraged growl. “If you run,” he called over his shoulder, “I will catch you.”

Helian shook his head, snickering. “Where will I go?”

Ash hovered protectively over me, his brow creased with annoyance as Helian went behind a bush while whistling a happy tune.

Aurora came up to Ash with a pout. “What’s taking so long, Dada Ash?”

Ash took her in his arms like it was the most natural thing in the world. “I’m waiting on Uncle Helian. He had to relieve himself. It shouldn’t be much longer.”

When Aurora stuck her thumb in her mouth, resting her head on Ash’s chest, I had to work hard to fight back the tears.

I gently rubbed her leg while smiling up at him. She likes you now, I projected to him.

He smiled down at me over the top of her head. And I love her, just like I love her mommy.

My lips instinctively parted when he leaned toward me, but then we broke apart when a loud, gurgly sound came from the bushes.

Aurora plugged her nose. “Eww.”

“It’s the demon, not me!” Helian called back. “I will need a stream to wash up after this.”

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