Page 141 of Calling of Her Court

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Radnor jumped in front of Isa, unleashing his fire.

I ran to Tari, shielding her while Ash guarded her back.

I’m running out of magic, Tari projected to Ash and me, and it’s slow to work. She nodded toward her sister. And I think Shiri has run out.

I waved my sword at the fire mages as the spiders advanced. “Get them out of here!”

“We can’t leave Isa!” Shiri screamed.

Drae ignored her and swept her into his arms before shooting into the air. Blaze followed in a blur, taking Tari with him.

I knew there was no way Radnor was leaving Isa, and I wasn’t leaving Radnor. Ash stood by my side, his wide chest heaving as he released a howl while raking the air with razor-sharp claws.

The spiders rushed across their web bridge toward us, devouring the forest, leaving nothing but skeletal trees and the remains of the wyverns in their wake. Great goddess! We were going to be eaten alive! Radnor roared, hitting them with his fire, but there were far too many for him to destroy them all.

The spiders were almost upon us when they suddenly vaporized, popping like corn kernels as they were hit with a torrential downfall. I looked up, expecting a thundercloud, but, no, it was only my mate, dripping magic down on them. They made a hasty retreat back across the webbing, though the magic quickly washed over them, destroying their bridge while fanning out and turning the rest of the forest to ash and smoke.

A roar that sounded more like a whimper echoed above, and I looked up to see Triss flying toward us, Nox following not far behind her. I blinked hard, unable to comprehend what I was seeing.

Save her! Isa nudged Radnor before collapsing onto the ground with a groan, blood pooling around her tattered wings.

I’m going to rip him in two! Radnor’s roar reverberated in my skull.

Don’t bite him! I called to my dragon. Or you could get infected!

Radnor leapt into the air, flying straight toward Triss. Bea followed after him, breaking left when Radnor broke hard right and burned Nox with his fire. The wyvern cried out, falling to the earth like a flaming comet.

The dragons and Bea landed on the ash that was once the forest floor. The fire mages landed beside Triss, and Tari and Shiri let out strangled sobs while Ash, still in his beastly wolf form, pulled Ember and Aurora from Triss’s back. They held the girls, alternating between hugging and crying.

“Are you hurt?” Tari asked while frantically searching the children for wounds.

Both girls shook their heads. Other than a few bruises and cuts, the girls looked unharmed.

We stood on what looked like the aftermath of a battleground, and as the smoke and fog cleared, I realized my mate had decimated most of the Werewood Forest.

Isa stumbled toward us, collapsing beside Triss with a groan.

Ash let out a warning growl and I raised my sword when I saw a hag on Triss’s back. The witch lifted her head, giving me a pleading look, and it took me a moment to realize that hag was Lady Arabella Viggo.

Radnor made a menacing growl and flicked Arabella off Triss’s back. She went sprawling onto the ground with a shriek. Triss clomped toward her mother, collapsing on top of Isa while nuzzling her neck.

“Do not move, demon witch!” Shiri called out, her siren voice ringing through the air as she released the girls and bore down on Arabella.

“Don’t hurt her!” Aurora cried. “She saved us!”

Tari swore, and I loosened my grip on the sword.

“Please let me up!” Arabella called as she lay sprawled on the ground, her skirts tossed over her knees, revealing huge, swollen legs and blackened skin. What was happening to her? Was she turning into the demon hag I’d seen at our wedding?

“Very well,” Shiri said with a flick of the wrist. “I release you from my spell.”

Arabella sat up, dusting grime off her gown. That’s when I noticed her hideous hands that looked like rotten, bloated sausages that had sat out too long in the sun. It definitely appeared she was turning back into that hag. Knowing Arabella’s vanity, she was unable to control the transformation. I shuddered to think what would happen when the hag completely took over.

Tari gaped at Arabella. “You saved my children?”

Arabella grimaced, staring at Tari before quickly looking away. “Yes.”

Tari released the children and stalked toward my former betrothed, her hands on her hips. Ash followed close behind, leaving the children with Shiri.

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