Page 137 of Calling of Her Court

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Arabella’s tears had long since dried up as she stared down at her feet, which were now two big sausages just like her hands which hung above her, bound to the wall in iron chains. She was turning into Empusa. She wondered if her soul would fade away once the demon crone took over, or would she live in the shell of this creature’s body? Forever tortured while looking out at the scorched world through an evil demon’s eyes.

The crone cackled in her mind, whispering how she couldn’t wait to eat the children that shared the cell with them. Great goddesses, she was living in hell. During the past few hours, she had time to reflect on her life. She’d lived a selfish, spoiled life as the niece of a duke, abusing servants while ruled by vanity, thinking her beauty entitled her to act however she pleased. Soon, the last vestiges of her beauty would be gone, and her outer appearance would be a reflection of the rotten soul beneath. She deserved this.

She ran her tongue over her dry mouth, hoping it was thirst that had made her lips and tongue swollen and not that her face was turning into Empusa, too. Though what difference did it make? It was only a matter of time. Might as well happen sooner, so long as her soul could sink into oblivion afterward.

No, my dear, Empusa hissed in her mind. I shall make you watch as I feed on your sorrow.

Shut up, she snapped, feeling as if she was being swallowed by a chasm of rage.

When the crone laughed in response, she did her best to shut her out. Her gaze kept drifting to the girls as one struggled to get the Tau stone collar off the other. The demon mistress said the children belonged to Tarianya Avias. That witch had been the bane of Arabella’s existence and had destroyed Arabella’s chances with Helian. Though she wanted to be glad Tarianya’s daughters were the demon’s captives, she felt only pity for the children. After all this time, had Arabella finally developed empathy for others? The irony wasn’t lost on her, for now that she had no power, she couldn’t help them.

A beast wailed in the distance, its cries pitiful enough to break Arabella’s blackened heart. She wondered what sort of monster it was, for the cry sounded like a dragon’s, though not powerful enough to rattle her bones.

The girl who’d been trying to get the collar off finally cried out and crawled over to Arabella. She blinked up at her with luminous silvery blue eyes, and Arabella’s breath caught in her throat. She had Helian’s eyes.

The child stood and tugged on her robe. “Excuse me, can you help me get that collar off my sister?”

“Does it look like I can help you?” Arabella rattled her chains, giving the girl a withering look.

She thumbed toward her sister, her twin by the looks of it. “Aurora can teleport. If you get the collar off her, we can escape.”

Except for their eyes, they both looked so much like their mother, with dark hair and smooth olive skin. They could’ve become beauties when they grew up. Arabella doubted they’d live more than a few more days. As much as she wanted to hate the children, she couldn’t, though it mattered not. She couldn’t help them anyway.

She heaved a groan, her shoulders falling. “I can’t help you, child.”

“You can.” The girl stumbled to her feet. “You just have to believe in yourself.” The child smiled, revealing sharp canines. “I’m Ember, by the way.”

Arabella swallowed, relieved somehow to know these children were shifters, which meant they weren’t Helian’s children.

“I’m not myself.” She rattled her chains, nodding toward the big, bloated sausages that were once beautiful, delicate hands. “I’m demon possessed.”

Ember gave her a curious look. “Are you the Fae who gave Uncle Helian a demon?”

She gasped, her heartbeat thundering in her ears. “He’s demon possessed?” No. Not Helian!

“Not anymore,” Ember answered. “Our Aunt Shiri got it out of him.”

Aunt Shiri? Tarianya’s twin? “She can do that?”

She eagerly nodded. “She put the demon in Enso.”

Arabella swallowed, working hard to push out the words through her dry throat. “Who’s Enso?”

“A wyvern.”

A wyvern? Was it wise to give a powerful beast demon powers?

Ember blinked at her, strangely not looking the slightest bit afraid as her gaze drifted to Arabella’s hands. “Maybe if you help us escape, Aunt Shiri can get your demon out.”

Elements, was this child serious? “I-I don’t know how.”

“You do.” Ember jutted a finger toward Arabella’s chest. “Use Empusa to remove my sister’s collar and bust open the door.”

Arabella’s mouth fell open. How did the child know her demon name?

“And please hurry,” Ember continued, her voice cracking with emotion, “before the bad demon eats Triss.”

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