Page 134 of Calling of Her Court

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Ash! I hissed, digging my fingers into Ash’s arm, and he shifted into a hybrid monster as he shot up, snapping his jowls.

Ash! I projected to him. Something’s wrong.

He sniffed the air with his long snout. I feel it, too.

Overcome by a wave of dizziness, I fell back against the furs. My vision turned hazy, as if I was slipping into a dream. That’s when I saw them, my darling children and their dragon Triss falling through an endless black chasm, their terrified cries echoing through time and space. Triss landed on a slate floor with a heavy thud, my children falling on top of her. Standing before them was the most terrifying beast with a wolf’s face, a third eye on her forehead, and birdlike claws for hands and feet. The creature whistled, and red-eyed fire mages snatched the girls off Triss. One shoved something into Aurora’s mouth. The other two cinched leather collars with Tau stones around their necks and tied their hands and feet together while my children struggled and screamed. More mages launched on Triss, tying her up in chains while she moaned in pain. The bird creature laughed while scooping my sobbing children into her arms.

Lamashtu, my subconscious whispered. The demon mistress!

“Let go of my children!” I hollered.

The Lamashtu gasped, and we locked eyes before the vision faded, and I found myself gaping at Ash as he hovered over me, his brow furrowed in concern.

A dragon’s roar resounded through the forest, followed by another. Terrified wyverns jumped into the air and swarmed the night sky like angry hornets.

Satyrs wielding pitchforks raced from their huts.

Ash jumped up, hunched on all fours while howling at the moon.

Shiri was trembling uncontrollably, no matter how much Drae tried to soothe her. Had Shiri seen the same vision?

Isa landed in front of us, smoke pouring from her snout. My hatchling!

Ash howled again.

Bile projected into my throat. “Our girls are with her.”

What happened? Radnor demanded while pawing the ground like a bull prepared to charge.

My gaze swept the gathering of shocked and terrified faces, and I could hardly believe the words I was saying. “The demon mistress opened a portal. She has them.”

Ash raked the air with his claws. “I will disembowel the bitch and shove her guts down her throat!”

I slowly stood on shaky legs, not sure where I had found the strength. I felt a strange sense of detachment from my body, still too shocked to fully process what was happening. “Ash, look at me,” I called to my mate as he towered above me, his wide chest expanding and contracting while he panted like a wounded animal. “Right now, we must focus on getting our girls back safely, then revenge. Okay?”

He answered by throwing back his head and letting out a howl that mirrored the turmoil and despair in my heart.

Magic pooled in my hands as I spun toward Helian. “How long until we reach the other side of the Periculian Mountains.” For my mother’s heart knew that’s where they were.

Helian frowned, dragging a hand down his face. “Four days if we hurry.”

No. I refused to accept that answer. I wouldn’t leave my children with that evil demon for four days.

My fingers swelled, and I instinctively flung them out as a deluge of magic poured from me, hitting the air with a thunderous crack. Satyrs gathered around us, gasping at the portal I had created, a rip through space into another place. I didn’t stop to think about how I’d done it, for I recognized the pile of ash beside that inky lake that eerily glowed, cast in foggy early morning light. This was where we’d killed Mantus, a day away from the Werewood Forest. I wasn’t sure how my magic had picked this place and not the other side of the mountain. The extreme exhaustion that had suddenly come over me was a good indication that my magic could only extend so far. I wouldn’t question it, though, for we’d just shortened our journey by three days. I would hold my babies in my arms again by the day’s end.

“Come on.” I waved everyone forward. “Let’s go kill some demons.”


FINN AND I HASTILY packed our bags, and then Finn gave instructions to a satyr priestess on caring for the rabbits before we hurried up the ramp toward the pyramid exit. He would have to secure a wyvern, for he’d only slow me down if I carried him.

We had just reached the exit, pink ribbons of early morning light piercing through the tops of the trees, when we were met by several satyrs, Esther, and two agitated wyverns.

“My Lords, these are Gro and Agnar.” She motioned toward the wyverns as they shifted from foot to foot and ruffled their batlike wings. “They are our fastest wyverns, and they have volunteered to fly you to your children.”

“I can fly myself,” I said, my back muscles tensing as I prepared to launch.

Esther shook her head. “You must save your strength. Besides, they have excellent noses and can help you scent the children.”

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