Page 132 of Calling of Her Court

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Specters of night

Shine your torch of unholy light

Open the portal

Show us the way

Close the bridge between foe and Fae

Illuminate the path

Obey my cries

Find the children in Thorin’s eyes”

Then she closed her eyes and projected the vision of the children seen through Thorin’s own eyes toward her pool of mists. A cry escaped her as piercing black magic shot from her fingertips and her own eyes, fanning out across the floor and turning the spiders to black pools of blood. Losing this tribe of demonlings was a small price to pay to secure her prizes. The blood rose up, falling into the pool and then shooting back out like a burst of cannon fire. The darkness pierced the ceiling, a spinning vortex of magic that stretched beyond time and space, traveling faster than dragon fire as it raced for the white witch’s children.



I woke up with a groan, still groggy after being startled from a dream. I stared up at my children, both sitting on my chest, their mouths turned down.

I struggled to sit up then grunted, pain shooting through my groin when they kneed me as they crawled into my lap.

Dragging a hand down my face, I released a shaky breath while trying to ignore the pain. “What is it?”

Ember wiped a tear from her eye. “Triss is crying again.”

Ugh. I fell back against my pillow. Day after day these girls exhausted me with their endless energy and penchant for finding trouble. If it wasn’t for Nikkos’s help, I wouldn’t have had enough strength to get through the day. Sleep was the one time when I could recover from my exhaustion.

Aurora shook my shoulder. “Dada Finn!”

“Okay. Okay.” I sat up before they kneed me again. “Come on, sprites,” I said as I threw off the blankets and stood beside the bed.

They jumped into my arms, nearly making me stumble back with the force. I didn’t have to ask where to find Triss, as I dragged my feet through the hall. All I had to do was follow the wailing.

Nikkos met us at the exit to our cavern suite of rooms. “Hey, everything okay?”

“Triss is upset,” I said right before another loud wail rent the air.

“Uncle Nikkos,” Ember asked, sweetly batting her eyes, “will you come with us?”

Nikkos ruffled her hair with a lopsided grin before taking her from me. “Of course, sprite.”

We found the hatchling in the center of the great hall surrounded by a group of satyrs who were trying to soothe her to no avail. She wailed louder when she saw us, and the girls quickly scrambled out of our arms, kneeling beside their dragon friend.

“It’s okay, Triss,” Aurora said while rubbing her belly. “We’re here.”

“We know you miss your mommy.” Ember soaked up Triss’s fat tears with the hem of her nightdress. “We miss ours, too.”

Triss flopped on her back, swatting the air with her paws while crying even harder, smoke rings escaping from her snout.

I pulled one of the priestesses aside. “Do you have any soothing herbs for her?”

She shook her head. “We’ve already given her too many.”

I felt helpless as I watched the girls try to calm the hatchling, wishing there was something I could do to soothe her. I sucked in a breath when Head Priestess Esther marched toward us, her expression grim. A handful of priestesses followed behind her as well as several armed soldiers.

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