Page 124 of Calling of Her Court

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I crossed over to Ash, grabbing his arm. “Maybe it would be best if you went alone to talk to them.”

He nodded his agreement, then cast Shiri a look. Is she okay? he asked through thought.

She was their mother for four years, I answered.

He visibly swallowed. What can we do for her?

Give her space for now, I said. But also let her know that we understand her grief.

I grimaced when I realized she had probably heard our telepathic conversation.

Helian came up to us, grasping Ash’s shoulder. “I’m the prince, and the rightful monarch of Caldaria. Perhaps I should be the one to talk to them.”

Ash let out a burst of laughter. “Not unless you have a death wish. The centaurs loathe the monarchy.”

Helian’s face colored. “Then you don’t want me to come with you?”

Ash shook his head. “Sorry, brother. You’ll make everything worse.”

Helian’s jaw dropped, but before he could say anything, Blaze screamed, “Watch out!”

Isa threw a wing around us, Bea stumbled back, and the other wyverns jumped into the sky. I gasped when three spears bounced off a gray shield, and I looked over my shoulder to see the veins protruding on Drae’s neck as he held up the curse chamber. My magic slowly manifested, swelling my fingertips.

I whistled to Drae. “I can access my magic now.”

“So can I,” Shiri said.

Drae heaved a groan, and the bubble popped when he released his hands.

Isa crouched on all fours, letting out an enraged cry as a tribe of big creatures with Fae torsos attached to horse bodies raced over the ridge. They were armed with long spears and shields and sounded like a herd of wild horses when their hooves struck the ground.

Centaurs. I’d never seen one before. Unlike the satyrs, who walked on two legs, the centaurs had four powerful horse legs and broad Fae chests with huge arms, no doubt from years of wielding those spears. They had tapered ears like the Fae, not rotating goat ears like the satyrs. It looked as if the elements had simply taken the top half of a Fae and the bottom half of a horse and melded them together.

Radnor landed in front of Isa with a roar, blowing a stream of fire. The centaurs halted, rising on their hindquarters with angry hollers while raising their shields.

The smoke cleared, revealing a line of fire that created a barrier between us and the centaurs.

I don’t need you to protect me, Isa grumbled.

Radnor craned his neck at his mate, answering with a growl.

Shiri and I shared a look.

Not again, I projected to Shiri.

She grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the dragons. Let’s stop this.

Our mates flanked us as we ducked under one large wing and then another, facing the centaurs.

“Centaurs, drop your weapons!” Shiri rumbled, her deep siren voice taking over.

The centaurs roared, kicking up dirt as their spears and shields clanked to the ground.

One of the centaurs pushed ahead of the pack. He had a long auburn braid tied with leather bands draped over one shoulder and pale, freckled skin, plus a chestnut-colored bottom half. He pounded his chest like an ape. “You dare break our truce, and then bring a siren witch to our lands!”

“What truce?” I asked.

He shook a fist at me, his eyes flaring. “Don’t play dumb with us, witch!”

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