Page 113 of Calling of Her Court

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Ash’s nose lengthened, and fur sprouted on his face as he let out a howl.

Helian and the others swore.

“Do you think the spiders already killed him?” Shiri asked me.

I shook my head. “I believe the mistress has to be the one to kill him, so she can take his powers.”

We’ll know when he dies, Isa answered grimly as she cut a sideways glare to Radnor. His curses will die with him, and the memories he stole will all come back.

Radnor let out a whimper. I don’t recall him spinning my memories.

Then he still lives, Isa said, a profound sadness in her voice.

I wondered if that’s what Isa had been waiting for before she forgave Radnor, for his memories to return. I’d already asked her to drink the Retinea tea, but she’d said those herbs didn’t work on dragons.

I swallowed back my unease. “I’d rather face Thorin’s mind-spinning than hers.”

Fire flashed in Blaze’s eyes. “Now what?”

“There’s nothing much we can do,” I answered, fear and sorrow weighing heavily upon my soul, “other than pray we don’t confront her before we learn how to defeat her.”


THE LONG FLIGHT THROUGH the Periculian Mountains had been mortifying, and not just because the mountains reeked of decay and death, but because Arabella’s uncle had grown more distant, refusing to let her wrap her arms around his neck while forcing her to keep her hands hidden.

Which meant she’d have nothing to hold on to if he decided to drop her.

Arabella couldn’t get out her uncle’s arms fast enough after they landed in the heart of the dark forest. The soft, mossy floor felt like wet sponges under her feet, and the tall trees that hovered over her reminded her of giant monsters with skeletal claws.

Her uncle produced twin flames while spinning a slow circle.

Arabella’s blood turned to ice, her relief at having both feet firmly on the ground replaced by sheer terror, for there were dozens of strange eyes blinking at them from the darkened shadows. And was it her imagination, or were the trees and plants moving?

She jumped when she felt something slither over her foot and realized the plants were indeed moving. Dread crept up her spine as a dark green vine slithered past her.

“Uncle,” she whispered, fighting the urge to grab his arm. “I don’t like this place.”

“Do not fret, darling,” he said, his voice laced with disgust as he tossed his long, silvery braid over his shoulder. “You are the scariest thing here.”

Her terror forgotten, that ice in her veins turned to molten fire. “Do not say that.” Her voice took on a dark and gravelly edge that frightened her. She curled her hands into fists, loathing the demon inside her for refusing to crawl back into her hole.

“It’s true.” Back stiffening, he refused to look at her. “Have you forgotten it was just last week you used Empusa to summon an indus worm and create a cyclone?”

She cringed when he called her demon name. “Don’t remind me.”

He had the nerve to laugh. “I’ll build us a fire.”

Her heart felt like it had dropped out of her chest when he walked away.

She lurched for him with a strangled cry. “Please don’t leave!” She grabbed his wingtip, her knobby fingers clutching a fistful of feathers.

He shook her off with a snarl as if her very touch was poisonous. “I’m just going to collect some wood.” His eyes flared with anger when she reached for him again. “I won’t be far.”

Arabella tried to keep her teeth from chattering as he walked away, leaving her in darkness.

Call to your magic, the demon whispered inside her.

Shut up! she hissed back.

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