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The man is fucking relentless. It makes him good at his job, like a double-edged sword, cutting through problems and leaving wounds in his wake.

I might as well engage to see if there’s any merit to his methods. For Frankie.

“We’re trying to find a balance.” I glance out the window, the ocean a calming presence. “Between their independence and my need to mend my marriage.”

He knows better than to ask me outright if they’re fucking her. We’ve all been seeing him for two months. Well, all of us except Kody. But if Doyle has any intelligence in his pea-sized brain, he’s figured out who is fucking whom.

Leaning back, he taps his pen against the notebook. “Why are you fighting so hard for your marriage?”

“I love her,” I say simply.

“Love is a powerful motivator, but sometimes our jealousy can overshadow our love.”

The accusation is a spark in dry tinder, setting me ablaze.

He thinks he understands me, but he hasn’t even scratched the surface. My brother kidnapped and raped my wife. He raped Kaya, Kody, Leo, and my only son. He raped children, his own flesh and blood.

Fire crackles and roars beneath my skin, and adrenaline floods my circulation. I’m her protector, the alpha of this family, and I failed to defend what is mine.

My blood pounds in my ears. The thought of harm coming to her again fills me with feral rage, a burning need to destroy any threat, to rend flesh and break bone.

This is more than instinct. It’s in my brutal, sinister Strakh blood. The drive to protect her is as vital as the air I breathe. It courses through my veins, breeding a thirst that can never be quenched.

She may not trust me, but she relies on me. While I still draw breath, I will not fail her again.

“My love for her is not some petty jealousy.” I lean into the space between us. “It’s primal, clawing, and fucking ruthless. You get me?”

“It’s possessive and overbearing. That’s not good for either of you. Have you considered that your jealousy is rooted in fear? Fear of losing her?”

“That’s your fear, not mine.”

“What are you talking about?” His eyes widen, caught off guard.

“Don’t play dumb. I see the way you look at her. The way you touch her. How often do you jerk off to thoughts of my wife in your cold, empty bed at night?”

“My relationship with Frankie is strictly professional.”

“What’s your angle? To sow insidious seeds of doubt about our marriage, slowly tear us apart, then swoop in and fuck her?”

“This is not about me, and you’re already separated. I’m here to counsel you individually.”

“Stay away from her, Doyle.” My heart pounds. “Or you’ll find out just how far I’m willing to go to protect what’s mine.”

“Threats won’t solve anything.” He straightens, holding his ground. “You need to work through this, for your sake and Frankie’s.”

“We’re done here.” I rise to my feet. “I have better things to do than listen to your bullshit.”

“All right.” He stands as well, his expression resigned. “But remember, these sessions are for your benefit. I’ll be here if you need me. If you don’t want to talk to me, I can refer you to someone else.”

I turn away, facing the window, not bothering with a response or a farewell.

As his footsteps retreat down the hall, I listen for the security guard to escort him off the island. A moment later, Doyle steps onto the path outside, trailed by one of the guards toward the dock.

My thoughts turn to Frankie, Kody, and Leo. They’ve been in town for hours now. Sometimes they share dinner in a restaurant or stroll along the coast and don’t return until after dark.

Frankie has money saved, not enough to live on, but enough to eat out and fuel her cruiser. Her savings will run out before she returns to work. Will she come to me then? Let me support her in every way?

I can only hope.

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