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We meet in a warm embrace. The sterile, astringent scent of his skin brings back a flood of memories from the hospital.

“Look at you.” He steps back, giving me a clinical once-over, his expression creasing with concern.

“Don’t say it.”

“You lost weight you didn’t have to lose.”

“Unlike you. Always the picture of perfection.”

“Well, someone has to uphold the standards.” He winks, charming as ever.

“Sit, please.” I gesture to the chairs on the deck. “Can I get you something to drink? Water? Wine?”

“No.” He waves a hand dismissively. “I’m still on the clock.”

“Of course you are.”

“How’s Melanie Stokes working out for you?”

“She’s been great. Thank you for referring her.”

We settle into our seats, our knees brushing as we angle toward each other.

“So how have you been really?” He glances at the security guards, his tone shifting, deepening. “I heard what happened. The news was…well, it confirmed my worst fears. When you didn’t show up for work or answer your phone, I knew.” His jaw flexes. “Monty called me the day after you missed your shift. Said you left him. He…”

“He what…?” I lean toward him with my whole body, willing him to finish that sentence.

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to upset you.”

“It’s okay. I’m okay. I’d really like to know what he said.”

“Frankie, he was devastated. Completely destroyed. Could barely string together two words. He called me, hoping I’d heard from you or knew something. That beautiful, cold man was a fucking mess.” He shakes his head. “I don’t know what happened. From what the news is reporting, I can only deduce that it was terrible.”

“A lot happened, but I don’t want to talk about it right now. It’s too fresh. Let’s just say the media got some things right and some things wrong.”

“I assumed as much.” He smiles sadly. “Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here.”

“Thank you.” I straighten. “Actually, I wanted to talk about returning to work.”

“Your position is always there for you. Whenever you’re ready to start, it’s yours.”

“I want to start immediately.”

“I thought you needed a period of adjustment.” He curves a brow.

“I adjusted.”

“It’s only been a week.”

“A week too long. I’m ready.”

“Then consider yourself rehired.” He reclines in the chair, exuding contentment and control. “The team will be so excited to have you back.”

We chat about the hospital and the changes that happened while I was gone, and he catches me up on all the latest gossip.

“Dr. Simons finally decided to retire.” He smirks.

“No shit?”

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